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RallyPigeon OP t1_itr783f wrote

It's funny you laundry listed good ideas because The Wharf already has a bus lane, designated ride share loading zones + taxi pick up spot, improved pedestrian infrastructure and plenty of mass transit including a fare free shuttle bus that goes to L'Enfant Plaza and the National Mall.

The new proposal for this to take millions from the city in order to be a subsidized service to alleviate parking issues is laughable. The reality is with an upscale shopping/dining development you're going to have wealthy people who will gladly pay whatever the cost is to park in the deck (or have a valet park for them) with 0 desire to use mass transit. Those people would simply not go if they couldn't park directly. The day trippers an income bracket under from the far reaches like Woodbridge or Frederick, maybe coming for a special dinner or a concert, who it might appeal to will need to know it exists and plan for it. Seems doomed to fail unless the city continues to throw money at it.


cfitzpancake t1_itrag4n wrote

Completely agree with your points (and thanks for pointing out what’s already in use!).


SchokoKipferl t1_itu2ohq wrote

I think the city should charge more for parking if they want less people to drive. Less people but paying more money each.