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CCIRMAJOR26 OP t1_jcfn4k1 wrote


terriblepie t1_jcft953 wrote

Haha yeah I was amazed my niche knowledge of DC government and tenant’s rights came into play this morning. Our building’s tenant association has been working with both of those orgs for a bit now and they’re pretty helpful. FYI it’s a slow process to make a company take accountability for things but at least you can apply some pressure beyond just isolated tenant complaints


scratchnsniff t1_jchuuw5 wrote


I live in the building too, and we almost rented on your floor when we moved in 5+ years ago. Thankfully we didn't, it seems like all the issues you hear about are 4th floor and lower. I'm sorry this is happening to you.

One of our fellow tenants in the building works in the DC office of the tenant advocate, I don't know their name but I did see them in the last week. They mentioned offhand sometime last year how our building, relatively speaking, has few complaints. But I'm sure that doesn't provide any solace when the trash compactor starts up at 1am. Anyways, you should definitely reach out to them. They'll let you know legally where you stand.


CCIRMAJOR26 OP t1_jchwfak wrote

Thanks neighbor, appreciate the intel. We actually have called the tenants advocate office and they think we have a strong case (to all the idiots calling me entitled for wanting to be able to sleep in my expensive apartment, suck on that)