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DancesWithTreetops OP t1_jeai69b wrote

Thanks for the response and info. The person at the office of child protection did her job well and is someone I actually trust a bit. She has nothing to do with the investigation. The office where the report is currently located is the Moderator of the Curia and I dont trust anyone in that office. The head honcho is a graduate of the same place that turned out the predator who abused me, and a shitload of other predators. I’m a where there’s smoke, then there must be a fire kind of person. Mt. St Marys Seminary in Emmitsburg Maryland is thick with smoke. So I am not expecting anything positive from the Moderator of The Curia office.


deaths_head_hawkmoth t1_jeajgp7 wrote


There are a few articles from recent years about Msgr Mellone (email I linked above) trying to help victims of abuse in the archdiocese so I think you would have a pretty good chance of making more progress if you felt comfortable emailing him.