Submitted by DC-DE t3_120o22h in washingtondc

I was assessed a 7% increase over 2023 for a condo in Shaw.

Do you feel your latest property tax assessment is fair and appropriate given market conditions? Will you appeal?

It just "feels" like we are all being taken to cleaners as punishment for the Feds not returning to the office. We get hit with property taxes, some of the highest income taxes in the US, no representation, and lots of crime!



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NPRjunkieDC t1_jdibq4y wrote

Someone in my building said their's jumped, so I looked at mine but nothing. It could be because he bought the unit 2 years ago. We bought 3 years ago and it never adjusted


jeffreyhunt90 t1_jdicfxy wrote

Mine (Shaw) increased 17% despite private companies estimating the value went down by 5%.


PurpleParrot21 t1_jdif9iq wrote

Ours jumped quite a bit, but it’s still lower than a lot of the comparable houses around us so I decided to let it go.


GenericReditAccount t1_jdiqmdk wrote

Our condo in G’town jumped, but I forget by how much. It has increased each year since we bought in 2018. We’re considering appealing, but have no idea what that entails.


reddit466 t1_jdiwohl wrote

I have a townhome attached to one other townhome in Deanwood, and my assessed value dropped 1.3%.


ekkidee t1_jdlxkmy wrote

"Some of the highest taxes in the U.S."? Is this true? I always thought after reading various analyses we were above average but not close to the top.


PurpleParrot21 t1_jdmjr1r wrote

We are definitely up there in income taxes from what I’ve read, though it depends on your tax bracket. Property taxes are some of the lowest in the country but at the same time we have some of the highest priced property.


jeffreyhunt90 t1_jdndu1c wrote

Ah ok. I took a look at the property tax sheet. While the ASSESSED value increased by 17%, the taxable part increased by….exactly on the dot 10%. I was confusing assessment with the taxable portion. Shoutout to u/rolo-lolo and u/Gumburcules

Sorry everyone, all this tax stuff is not my thing.