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juliekaffe t1_j9kp73r wrote

I cannot say enough good things about the dentist at Friendship, Ray Phillip. Two of our cats have had dental surgery there and they've been great. They also have a really good anesthesiologist, which is important.

They may be booked up but are really good about letting you know if they get an opening (e.g., one cat ended up getting surgery a month earlier than his appointment because they called to let us know they had a cancellation).


ladyorthetiger0 t1_j9kq34o wrote

My cat received excellent dental care for her 26 extractions at Atlas Vet on H St NE. It was, however, pretty expensive (about $2k, not including the pre-surgery bloodwork).


erigby927 t1_j9l2qfz wrote

I used the Center for Veterinary Dentistry and Oral Surgery in Gaithersburg for my dog’s dental surgery, he had to get some high risk teeth out after his regular dental and my vet recommended them. They were very nice, I liked the doc a lot, and everything went very well, but it’s definitely a smaller practice. Certainly closer than Columbia.


__electricSheep__94 t1_j9lq10c wrote

I used them for my cat, he had nearly a full mouth extraction. They were really wonderful, it's not sleek and modern but it was a perfectly nice practice. I liked the Dr and they were very communicative


beinglewdwiththefood OP t1_j9lj6nm wrote

I was looking at their site and their pics look like a very old small facility. Was that your impression?.


erigby927 t1_j9lo47s wrote

It’s very small (only one exam room) but I didn’t get the impression their stuff is old or outdated.


seekingAdvice4life t1_j9r821y wrote

Just because an office looks dated, it doesn’t mean the provider is less competent. My best optometrist had an office that had decor from the 70s. I have seen some swanky dental offices that did shit work. I am a dentist and don’t believe that you necessarily get what you pay for.


1one1000two1thousand t1_j9wg8op wrote

My pup’s internist (from Friendship Animal Hospital) suggested we go to this dental place in Gaithersburg too. They deal with only canine dental issues so they are very on top of all types of scenarios that can happen. He suggested this over just dental work at a normal vet office because my dog is a senior with bad teeth. He said that a lot of times older dogs when they have their teeth pulled they break apart and depending on the severity, this isn’t something you want a general vet to deal with.

Being that my dog is old, I showed concern about having her go through it and he told me that he gets his dogs dental work done there too and think they do a great job and it’s what they do all day everyday.

We haven’t scheduled it yet because of some other things that have come up but when we do we will be taking her there.


jules9687 t1_j9kqpol wrote

I don't know if you're open to them at all, but we used Animal Dental in Columbia last summer for our cat and had a positive experience. They weren't quite as expensive as I was expecting, but anything animal dental is pricy. I appreciated how good they were with going over all options, procedures, and following up. Bonus points to them for providing awkward cat-mouth under anesthesia pictures that I really didn't need but gave me a laugh.


beinglewdwiththefood OP t1_j9kuxxt wrote

They were on the list from my vet. Did you find their facilities modern and docs competent? Dog is kinda old at 13 so nervous this could be a last visit type thing with the anesthesia.....😔


jules9687 t1_j9kxnjw wrote

Docs I felt super confident in. We ended up not being able to get our cat in with the doc we initially consulted with because my schedule conflicted with hers, but I was happy with who we got instead. He called before/after procedure to consult on a couple of things as well.

Can't really speak to facilities. As of last July, when we went, they were still only doing car pick up/drop off. It's right off of route 100, so a little noisy from the outside, but it's a part of a modern-looking office park and in a nice area.

I've got an old cat, and they did pre-surgical bloodwork on her and went over some risk factors.

Good luck to puppers! I've got a 13 yo dog, too, so totally get the fear.


beinglewdwiththefood OP t1_j9riish wrote

Made an appointment for next month wish us luck! Woman on the phone seemed nice and they can do it all same day so that's good. A bit of a drive but lil buddy is worth it!


jules9687 t1_j9rmabw wrote

Good luck, and that's great they can do everything same day. Also hope pain isn't too bad for the doggy between now and then. Happy thoughts for you both!


Beneficial-Sugar-764 t1_j9m0am7 wrote

Anicira veterinary center out in Manassas was recommended to me by my vet when my dog needed a tooth extracted, and I highly recommend them. My dog has a lot of health problems so my vet was very understanding about trying to find a more affordable option while still getting the proper care.