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dirtybloodyleaves OP t1_j9b6yha wrote

I saw the sign that said 50mph, I was going 41. The speed camera said that I was in the 25mph zone. Im just asking if it’s worth contesting the ticket since the signs are pretty much within 40meters of each other and kind of confusing. Thanks


1crazyarchitect t1_j9bfhbx wrote

There are three speed limit signs prior to the camera including paint bumps with a 25mph street marking. Tell me again what’s confusing about that?


jednorog t1_j9bhn97 wrote

I have not been in that area recently. If the signs are as confusing as you claim, it may be worth it to contest it. However, another commenter says that the camera and lower limit are clearly marked, so it's up to you whether you truly think you didn't have appropriate warning.

For what it's worth, going 41 in a 25 zone is potentially very dangerous. "The average risk of severe injury for a pedestrian struck by a vehicle reaches 10% at an impact speed of 16 mph, 25% at 23 mph, 50% at 31 mph, 75% at 39 mph, and 90% at 46 mph. The average risk of death for a pedestrian reaches 10% at an impact speed of 23 mph, 25% at 32 mph, 50% at 42 mph, 75% at 50 mph, and 90% at 58 mph." (source).


Evening_Chemist_2367 t1_j9bskux wrote

They are pretty miserable about that one. I got a photo ticket there once and was pretty damn sure I was not speeding, I carefully scrutinized the pictures they provided and showed them on an aerial photo the exact position of my car on the aerial photo before and after with the measured distance and used the timestamp before and after to calculate speed and it absolutely PROVED I was in fact not speeding and they still refused it.


Zwillium t1_j9bt4ce wrote

How dense do you have to be to find that confusing? Rotate that image 180 degrees and the paint stripes are also clearly visible.

There's also a sidewalk 2 or 3 feet from the right travel lane. Just slow down.

OP, there's absolutely no reason to even bother contesting this one, if you're talking about the same image.


pomegranatecloud t1_j9c13hw wrote

It’s not confusing or whatever excuse you want to make. Pay the fine.


Climbingcrazy_k t1_j9c9wgh wrote

If you have another car in frame of the video and go to DMV then they will almost automatically throw it out as they can not distinguish which car was speeding.


ninasymone44 t1_j9cbxet wrote

Welcome to DC! I’ve contested many tickets at that light. You should contest every ticket you receive in DC. Yes, we do have an issue with aggressive drivers but that doesn’t change the fact the whole city is one massive speed trap. The 50mph sign you saw is for the traffic on 295. You got off on the Kenilworth Ave exit which abruptly lowers the speed to 25 mph. Believe it or not, the markings that are there now are fairly new and were done after MANY community complaints. They might not let you off because of the markings, but I would still argue that they have a 50 mph sign still there meant to purposefully confuse you. Good luck!


Evening_Chemist_2367 t1_j9d9pos wrote

I asked to go in person but couldn't get an appointment. I had to contest it by mail.
On another note, that tactic of maps and math did successfully get me out of a ticket in PA. I've only gotten 2 speeding tickets in the last 20 years, both photo tickets - and the one I got out of, but not with DC.


ninasymone44 t1_j9dpvz0 wrote

I actually took LITERAL measurements and contested the ticket in person and lost. I was really pissed about it because it was before the markings were put in and that abrupt drop in speed limit is ridiculous. You first want to contest the ticket online first. Then it takes a couple weeks for them to respond with a decision. Don’t admit to anything. Don’t submit payment with an explanation. Just straight up be like, this was my first time on this road and the signs dont make any sense. And the markings are bullshit too because if you’re inexperienced with the exit, you pass over them too quickly to realize you need to slow ALLLLLL the way down within like 2 seconds. Don’t get me started!