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BoogerPresley t1_j8ydxvb wrote

The Post has more horrific details; apparently one of the guys he robbed and carjacked was an amputee that he left stranded without any mode of transportation or communication, the guy had to try and drag himself home in freezing temperatures from a remote area and was found in a ditch by the cops.


harkuponthegay t1_j936jk5 wrote

What’s weird about this case is that (if I’m reading it correctly) the culprit took one of the victims back to his own home (the perpetrators home, not the victim’s) in order to rape him and then the following day forced that same victim to drive to an ATM and withdraw $4000 which he took and then released the man.

What kind of criminal mastermind takes a victim who they plan to release back to the place where they live, and then puts them in the drivers seat to go to an ATM the next morning?

Did he not think that this person would obviously be able to lead the police right to him? I mean the victim knew his home address and exactly what he looked like. Did he think he was going to get away with it??

I feel sorry for the victims it sounds terrifying. Even more so because the culprit is low key good-looking so I could see myself swiping right on him. Don’t meet up with someone for the first time in a parking lot y’all, be careful


DeathAndTaxStamps t1_j8y7h85 wrote

I’m glad he wasn’t arrested in DC. Maryland courts aren’t as crappy as DC but Virginia is better at going after charges. Hopefully he’s locked up for a long time.


hi30100 t1_j8xx2wd wrote

What a sick fuck


Kitchen_Software t1_j91fxqd wrote

Seriously. These are the kinds of cases/people where what they did is so twisted that I can’t even imagine him not being mentally ill in some way.

Yet, I don’t think “being evil” is a clinical diagnosis. It’s all fucked


perfectcell34 t1_j8y8tpl wrote

I apparently went to high school with this guy smh


RandomLogicThough t1_j8xz032 wrote

/inserts rape van driving around downtown grabbing dudes

Always be ready, people crazy and they're everywhere

Edit: I lied, there is no danger and don't be ready because it's fake news and safety is had because other people are around to protect, jfc. Oh and if there IS danger men are fine and statistics that show otherwise, also fake news. And people who come at you hard about your privilege have no privilege of their own, also no matter what statistics say. Remember, if you don't agree, it's fake. <3


someotherbitch t1_j8y95rv wrote

That was nearly a decade ago. Hardly a reason to change your life IMO and certainly not everywhere.

Then again, it's also already always been a fact of life for women so maybe for straight men one incident is a monumental change from their expectations.


RandomLogicThough t1_j8yam3h wrote

Ugh, literally anything can happen anywhere because people are crazy. Men are much more likely to be assaulted and outside of that tons of men are sexually assaulted, almost certainly more than statistics suggest since it's even harder for men to come foward. I've been groped multiple times in my life by random women. Plenty of studies show that women indeed FEAR being attacked much more even though they're attacked at much lower rates (if you consider stranger danger and not SOs). My point here is that everyone should have an eye out and be prepared but that doesn't mean you have to live in fear. Anyway , enjoy your (false) expectations. /aka less than 20% of rapes committed by strangers

Edit: lol, sweet summer children who either don't see danger as being a possibility anywhere or don't understand how the deck is loaded for who gets the danger. Shrug. Enjoy belief but it doesn't change the world as much as the religious pray.

/u/reallygoodcommenter what a great argument, lol, thanks - please don't look at my actual studies. Jfc. Some asshole comes in here after I just tell people shit can happen, watch your back, and condescends to me with bs "data" because I'm a straight male and I drop facts about violence but yea, I'm the one with the confirmation bias, lol. I don't even know which particular thing I'm debating because that stupid fuck couldnt even say anything but moronically cherry pick their made up assumptions. Shrug. Bye


someotherbitch t1_j8ycz88 wrote

>been groped multiple times in my life by random women

Lmao, yes we all know this is the real fear, abduction and gang rape is basically the same thing.

Whatever helps you feel better bro. Probably ought to just stay inside since you really think you're at risk from getting abducted and raped walking down the street. 🙄🙄🙄


RandomLogicThough t1_j8ydl4g wrote

Yes, that's exactly what I said and you totally owned me. Set that straight guy... straight... and attack him for his unwarranted fear...of understanding that humans are crazy apes and acknowledging that and watching out for yourself is a thing we should all do! Lol, you enjoy your life of mediocre intelligence.
