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solidrecommendations t1_ja5urf0 wrote

Did you run the red? Just pay the ticket and drive more safely next time. Take responsibility for your actions.


vtsandtrooper t1_ja5vari wrote

The outcome is you slow down, yellow means come to a stop, reds mean you are stopped. If you failed to do that, pay the ticket and realize people live around there


ertri t1_ja5xhdr wrote

So when you’re about to go into an intersection, you can do this thing called look through the intersection to see if there’s room for you. If there isn’t, you don’t go into the intersection!


ireportcarsto311 t1_ja5xryp wrote

There are two outcomes:

  1. you pay the ticket you rightfully got


  1. you don’t pay the ticket you rightfully got because there is no punishment for not paying.

You are free to make your pick.


dbrownk412 t1_ja5ykr6 wrote

Pay the ticket don’t block the box


tpeterr t1_ja5zx4w wrote

I got a DC ticket that was incorrect. Sent in the form to contest it and it was dropped. If you have a legit reason to contest the ticket, try it. But honestly it doesn't sound like you do from the brief info you shared.