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giscard78 t1_j9ewlzq wrote

it’s no longer a Monday holiday


Berly2300 t1_j9ewxtz wrote

It's Mardi Gras and I'm not in NOLA.


swampoodler t1_j9ewybm wrote

Emails from the three day weekend remain unopened and I am afraid.


KerPop42 t1_j9f4mfl wrote

I'm moving out next month. My current setup had a lot of my goals, a house with a yard in a cute, active town. But it's a cul de sac, I can't move forward toward my end goal.

So I'm backing up, moving on my own and hopefully I'll be able to move forward again with better roommates. It just... Feels like a step backward


keyjan t1_j9fa2wd wrote

At least the weather’s nice.


mp0323 t1_j9fd0d2 wrote

Puppy has upset stomach :\


RoeRoeRoeYourVote t1_j9fv8cl wrote

I slept less than four hours, I'm exhausted, and my body hurts.


stache_twista t1_j9g5gck wrote

Driver almost hit me in the crosswalk then proceeded to honk at me for crossing the street in the crosswalk. I flipped them off


lonliestnumber t1_j9gxz30 wrote

I'm pretty sure I have food poisoning. I tried eating toast with jam not too long ago and I couldn't even finish half of it.