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mastakebob t1_j915r5r wrote

I love a block east of bladensburg in Carver Langston, but the vibe is the same as where you'll be.

It's not as nice or as clean as NW, and the rents reflect that. You're walking distance to H st (bars and restaurants) and Aldi and Safeway. More bike lanes are being put in, and barracks row, Chinatown, and U st are short Ubers away. It's not a bad spot to be.

It is a gentrifying area, so a wide range of people live there. 99% just wanna go about their lives, but bladensburg does have a number of hangout spots that can be intimidating. If you don't wanna engage, just walk with a purpose and don't slow down. I've never had any trouble, and brief eye contact with an acknowledging head nod and 'good morning' goes a long way. I am a medium sized white male, fwiw.

Bottom line: basic city smarts and courtesies will see you through.