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jpenn18 t1_j8ifdlq wrote

Reply to comment by wogal555 in Ohio toxic air in DMV? by ghostofhogan

Fish and animals are dying….it’s not over. There is no way to predict the long term effects of this given how much nature is interconnected.


wogal555 t1_j8iia7k wrote

You are missing the context here. OP is talking about evacuating DC due to this incident. That is the insane fear mongering I'm talking about, and my comment about this being over is related to that specific concern of theirs.


jpenn18 t1_j8iieqq wrote

I’m just talking about how this event at least at the local level is not over.


wogal555 t1_j8iin64 wrote

And that may be true, but you might also notice that this is the DC subreddit, not the Ohio subreddit, and my comments reflect that context