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churner-burner t1_j911yqz wrote

You have discovered aging. Fewer men will be interested in you because you're 27 rather than 22.

I am describing other people's preferences.


romanceordelusion t1_j91ke4p wrote

I think this may be it honestly. I used to get a ton of matches and get less this year no major differences in my appearance either but I’m no longer 23 :(


churner-burner t1_j91m3fm wrote

The good news is that there's a large cohort of other people aging in tandem with you, and the people who would only match with you because you were 23 aren't the best long-term prospects anyway.


Where_is_it_going t1_j93kepv wrote

Those guys aging in tandem are still looking at the 23 year olds unfortunately.


churner-burner t1_j93srbj wrote

Some of them are, but not all of them. And this person's age has already filtered them out, so the problem is solved.


Panda_alley t1_j9657or wrote

very few of them are. huge misperception IMO. like, do you think a 28-32 year old guy likes dating a a 22-23 year old? there's huge difference in life experiences between early and late 20s.


romanceordelusion t1_j91xf0f wrote

True, I met a great man (finally) on the apps. Happy I didn’t meet him at 23, I was a mess back then!


endlessly_apollo t1_j93hpi5 wrote

> Fewer men will be interested in you because you’re 27 rather than 22.

Leo, dog is that you?


Ncav2 t1_j9241i4 wrote

This. But like you said, the matches she gets now at 27 will likely be more serious than those of a 22 year old.


Desert-Mouse t1_j91rumj wrote

Men and women have different desirability curves on these apps. Women's goes down while men's goes up as we age. My experience as a nearly 40 year old male was amazing compared to what I had in my twenties.

Eta, funny to see downvotes for factual statements. The OLD sites release data sometimes. Don't like truth, cover you eyes and move on.


SSSS_car_go t1_j92wavr wrote

Sadly, this is true. I’m (F) a lot older than you, so can say that every year past about 25 makes women increasingly invisible. Some changes are welcome, like being able to walk past construction sites without being catcalled. Other changes are less welcome, like feeling ashamed of my changing body.

Just keep trying on the apps and putting yourself out there, but also do things you really enjoy even if it doesn’t lead to partnering up, is my advice.


Nijmegen1 t1_j93072t wrote

Eh as a 29 year old dude, in a vacuum, I'd prefer 27 to 22


lc1138 t1_j93yyd9 wrote

It’s only a 5 year difference in which your appearance changes little, I don’t understand this


churner-burner t1_j940331 wrote

There are two factors. The first is that some men set filters to eliminate women above a certain age. The second is that these men may notice signs of aging that you don't.


lc1138 t1_j944826 wrote

Men don’t even know how to put their socks in the laundry hamper or know that hanging sports memorabilia or flags on their walls are not consider interior design. You’re telling me they have the eye to spot the minor details of aging 5 years in your 20s? And that such minor details is enough to write a woman off? Give me a break.
