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DYTTIGAF t1_j6mq4iy wrote

Papa Powell will bring discipline to the unruly teenagers who think they have control of his "house".

They are tourists (these Masters of the Universe). The pimp hand of capital formation and the landlord who "rents" money is now exerting his authority.

Let the thumb sucking and gnashing of teeth begin.


AcceptableEnd8715 t1_j6mqron wrote

Translation: 50 basis point comin in hot


SkipperSkupper t1_j6msty1 wrote

Priced in ?


AcceptableEnd8715 t1_j6mtmdo wrote

Deff not


SkipperSkupper t1_j6mzbgc wrote

Defitnely is


AcceptableEnd8715 t1_j6n1a4o wrote

Everyone knows only 25 is priced in.


SkipperSkupper t1_j6n95k4 wrote



OnWin1997 t1_j6ne1zz wrote

Whole internet has only been discussing a 25 bps hike. If anyone here is on copium its you lmfao


SkipperSkupper t1_j6nq2n2 wrote

Don’t matter what everyone is saying cuz Everyone is cooking with copium right now broski.
