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IllustriousSignal575 t1_j65ighb wrote

Far from average joe when it comes to firearms related anything, try again. Id also like to point out that I spend the majority of my time at home, where there are 7 security cameras (half acre) that alert to my phone and record if so much as a bird lands in my yard. So no, I dont think a single person will be able to get close to me. When they do, they will be sadly awakened with either a PS90 or 37mm because those are my two favorites in my arsenal. I actually encourage someone to try, though, as I live in Florida....where the cops actually applaud you if you shoot and kill a home intruder on live television.


long_short_alpha t1_j65jcai wrote

Hahahs, you are so naive... You dont leave for groceries? Never for a drink in a bar? As i said, just a little Nowitschok on you car grip and when you come back to the parking lot and its over...


IllustriousSignal575 t1_j65kpl2 wrote

Groceries....on a base with pretty strict guidance on who they allow on due to their mission set.

Bar... doesn't happen because I dont drink.

Car know cars have security cameras too, right?


long_short_alpha t1_j65lxza wrote

Just have to repeat myself, you are so naive....

They are comming for secret agents, spies, etc...but sure, they will have problems with a weed smoking veteran in Alabama gif