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VisualMod t1_j6o2a22 wrote

>You are missing the fact that this company is highly leveraged and has a lot of debt. The interest rates on their debt are going to increase, which will eat into their profits. Also, the demand for office space in the tech and life science industries may not be as strong as people think.


clorpussy OP t1_j6o5g4y wrote

What percentage of their debt is variable rate? Exactly


clorpussy OP t1_j6o2ecg wrote

It really doesn't have that much variable rate debt, and interest rates have peaked. By my estimate, it's undervalued by at least 23%, and by the time it catches up it'll already be worth more. It's profits have been very good and increasing. With dividends+quarterly profits, it's returning about 15-16% annually, probably more this year. Add the return to what it should be worth, add it's value as a hedge against inflation and you have a massively undervalued stock imo.