Submitted by mlamping t3_10plgfa in wallstreetbets

I fucking just used the Mercedes and:

  1. I can’t turn it on while turning
  2. I can’t enable it unless there is a car in-front of me
  3. And can only fucking go 40mph

🤣 What a fucking joke… all these Tesla haters posted that it’s amazing because of some news report about Mercedes reaching a supposed “level 3”

It’s horrible! No way close to Tesla



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VisualMod t1_j6l48pn wrote

>Tesla is the best company ever and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot.


CopperMurphy t1_j6l61sf wrote

Yeah the difference is Mercedes has been winning F1 races for a long long time. Tesla sells cars to people that lick avocado flavored door knobs. The majority of the public don't want electric cars.


ChapoRoad t1_j6l6vlv wrote

But did it switch lanes and cut someone off in fast moving traffic then stop completely and cause an 8 car pile up?


pigsgetfathogsdie t1_j6l7sua wrote

But there’s no Merc Benz Jabroni claiming…




tnguyen5057 t1_j6l96mw wrote

There’s a reason why Tesla is #1 in the industry


trish196609 t1_j6l9hym wrote

I disagree. Why would they force NDAs so customers can’t report defects or safety issues 🙄? Best company ever 🤦🏻‍♀️. It takes several weeks to months just to change a windshield

Definitely not.


CopperMurphy t1_j6l9orm wrote

The profits were from selling their regular fleet at the highest part of the used car market not renting cars that take 10 hours to charge with basically zero infrastructure to do so in their airport facilities and like 1/30th the presence outside the airport compared to their competitor. They have about 300k cars their biggest competitor has about 1.25 million cars and close to zero of those are Teslas lol.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lbb5b wrote

Elon fanboy spotted. Another dude that would blow him for more shares instead of looking at reality. How is the used Tesla value holding up these days once they hit 5 years old lol? The model X I had dropped like a fucking rock with a lead weight glued to it.


Jonny_Nash t1_j6lch18 wrote

Every Tesla I’ve been in has been pretty awesome.

The people who say otherwise are just pissy about political nonsense.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lecda wrote

I have no puts, and I don't have a F-150 but if I did have a F-150 lightning I'd be flipping it on BAT for a $20k profit because at least ford and several other manufacturers released an electric truck unlike Tesla will until 2024 minimum lol. God help them if they get hit by a hail storm you won't be PDR'ing the cyber truck and you can't buy parts for a Tesla unless you pay the dealer the service center ransom.


[deleted] t1_j6lewc7 wrote

What so you can fall asleep at the wheel like all these other morons?


CoffeeAnacig t1_j6lfcrv wrote

Again that makes no sense. Do you not realize entire auto market is -10% YOY, Tesla grew +44% YOY. You’re full regarded with your non sense. Used car auto market hit peaks in 2021, cars depreciate no matter what, whatever you rent or own is no exception to depreciating


CopperMurphy t1_j6lfuwi wrote

That's not true. Case and point the 2020 GT350R has done nothing but go up in value as well as the new Hummer. Lots of other collectible cars go up and up. Tesla growing is based on what they say, you can do that when there are no independent dealers you can postpone or speed up your deliveries. People are broke and without the constant government incentives they wouldn't sell near as much.

It's funny how many crackhead fanboys came out of the woodwork as soon as they got one green bump after getting absolutely anally gapped down to $100 share. Elon made a horrible decision buying Twitter and if it doesn't stay above $100 a share he is in trouble.


CoffeeAnacig t1_j6lg3o4 wrote

Collectables? You’re comparing a tesla to a collector? Government has been subsidizing oil companies and ice vehicles for decades. They bailed out ford and gm. Now the dinosaur is being phased out, just like you.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lgauy wrote

Except everyone that has to drive further than 5 miles prefers an ICE vehicle along with absolutely everyone that uses a vehicle for business. When electric cars out number ICE and the US actually has an electrical infrastructure to support that (nowhere close) you be sure to let me know.


sameteam t1_j6lgzvo wrote

If Elon musk wasn’t such a full of shit hype boy autist cunt muscle no one would care. But he is so the fact that none of his shit actually works as he promises and he can’t deliver anything on time. The cyber truck is never getting made. You can’t build a consumer car that is bullet proof with unbreakable glass. On complete regards are still hyping this shit company. Source : owned a Tesla, sold for a profit.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lhb79 wrote

Is that why South Korea fined them for not telling people about the massively reduced range when it's cold outside? My model X range dropped in half if it was raining and cold, and you know I actually had to drive a real commute. 10 hours to charge on more amperage than my entire HVAC system? How do you think that's good for the environment or supported by our wood pole electrical system from the 1950's?

Electric is useless unless you fix the range and charging. Hydrogen solves all that.


YoCaliBro t1_j6lhkmp wrote

1-3 are all false. I've had 2 Mercedes with this feature and for certain know that none of these are even remotely correct.


cesvilmal t1_j6llk9t wrote

You cant have fsd with single modality sensors. Elong is not a technologist but he likes to pretend to be one. No one is talking about the gigantic liability TSLA will have on their books once it becomes clear that autonomy isn't.possible without multiple sensor modalities and that all those cars they sold with pre paid fsd are no better that Chevy's super cruise, and will never be.


mlamping OP t1_j6lm119 wrote

I think you’re an idiot.

The best ai minds (Andrew ng, Andrej kaparthy, bunch of open ai engineers I know) all have Teslas and all believe Tesla is poised to solve full self driving first.

“Single modality” 🤣 F off, stop trying to talk like you know any of this. Sensing is done, and is already agreed upon in the industry, cameras aren’t the problem. Decision making is the problem, ie neural nets and if you had a Tesla and the latest beta, you’d know they’re fucking close

I hate it when people try to act as if they know anything


cesvilmal t1_j6lns1x wrote

It's 100% a sensing problem. I work in the industry. But I guess no use arguing with a fanboy who thinks "single modality" is an outlandish term but unironically says "neural nets"

I'm sorry Elon took you for your pre paid fsd.

Disclaimer: I hold no positions, short or long, in that dumpster fire of a company.


Sisboombah74 t1_j6loeon wrote

Anyone using self driving is too stupid to be out in public.


mlamping OP t1_j6lord0 wrote

If we battled credentials, I’d bet you wouldn’t hold a candle to me.

But I digress. “Single modality” sounds like 2008 wants their machine learning and hand crafted features selection. Assuming you meant the use of different types of senors. Because Tesla neural network stack is a multi modal, multi task, multi net. But I’m assuming you know that already because “you work in the industry”.

We both here, so we’re both regards, so to anyone reading this wondering who is right, google Andrej kaparthy or any ai expert like lex Friedman.

And don’t believe idiots like above


cesvilmal t1_j6lpziy wrote

Well autonomous driving and computer vision are literally what I get paid to do every day... And weird you keep flexing other people's achievements...

It's not a matter of machine learning, the world mapping required for fsd is simply not possible with 2d pixel maps. It doesn't matter what algorithms or AI you have, the data you are feeding it is inherently not enough. Both waymo and cruise realized the gigantic blindspot of cameras a long time ago, are you really going to deny they are the leaders in autonomy?

Anyway, you keep at it bud, I'm sure Elon will reward the most loyal of his cultists when he inevitably takes over with his army of Tesla robots. Oh wait, those were a fucking fraud too.


mlamping OP t1_j6lqeuo wrote

2d pixel maps?

What are you even talking about? Tesla does video stitching of multiple cameras, 3d video into the neural net. You don’t even know what your talking about.

They’re close to end to end models and have the training data for training this, which will be their next release. Including path finding in the neural net versus A* search, which every self driving startup is doing

You still in 2d images doing classification, I learned that shit in 2012. Catch-up. Object detection is near 99.999% hence why your original comments show how out of touch you are, or that you really don’t know what you’re saying


exxmarx t1_j6lrdmw wrote

How is it with running over kids?


mlamping OP t1_j6lrlx0 wrote

If you believe sensing is still a problem in self driving and it’s not the decision making, like I said, you need good-luck.

How is anything I said a podcast? What podcast talks about this stuff?

Again to ppl reading this, all you have to do is search the current ai leaders and see what they say. That’s it. Or read papers that are freely open on the internet of current ideas

Don’t believe this FUD. He probably has puts.

Also don’t believe me either, all this information is freely available.


cesvilmal t1_j6lrvdc wrote

Just look at literally anyone else who is trying to solve the fsd problem and tell me if they're exclusively using cameras. It's not just me saying it. The absolute fanaticism for Tesla really blinds people to the fact that not every incredibly brilliant individual works for Tesla. And btw, I am not including myself as an incredibly brilliant individual.


mlamping OP t1_j6ls9cv wrote

Exactly, dude came on here saying “single modality sensors”. As if humans that are deaf can’t drive with just their eyes. Humans have been doing it with 2 cameras for a century (2 eyes).

He probably works at a startup as an intern or junior ai engineer.

Tesla sticthes like 5 cameras. The problem isn’t object detection, or localization it’s decision making (path finding and planning) to get from A to B that is the hard part.

He has no clue


GGprime t1_j6lsrqk wrote

OP "just used the mercedes". Trust him with your life savings. I only care about facts and rank 3 is one level above rank 2. Looks like Mercedes beat Tesla on this, oh and also on the range which you probably noticed while "just using" it.


PPQue6 t1_j6lszhw wrote

Tesla is about to get Merc'ed!!!!


Dear_Ebb_5181 t1_j6ltjap wrote

Tell me one company who has access to the sheer amount of data required to pull off Tesla’s approach. There is a reason no one is even attempting to brute force their way to autonomy like tesla is… its a complete lack of training data


mlamping OP t1_j6ltk6u wrote

No, it’s that all the tech they built in 2008 to do it is outdated and they have to continue because they spent billions on lidars and other expensive sensors.

How I know? I know ppl at some of these top fsd contenders. Using LiDAR or camera to sense the world are so close in efficiency that the cost for LiDAR etc is stupid. That’s why many LiDAR based fsd companies are old and the new ones are all camera based.

LiDAR main advantage was distance and range sensing. 5 cameras, and video stocking along with the software solved that 5 years ago. Hence why the talk of fusion multiple sensor types together is stupid. You can do range and distance with cameras pretty well


mlamping OP t1_j6ltyeo wrote

No, it’s that all the tech they built in 2008 to do it is outdated and they have to continue because they spent billions on lidars and other expensive sensors.

How I know? I know ppl at some of these top fsd contenders. Using LiDAR or camera to sense the world are so close in efficiency that the cost for LiDAR etc is stupid. That’s why many LiDAR based fsd companies are old and the new ones are all camera based.

LiDAR main advantage was distance and range sensing. 5 cameras, and video stitching along with the software solved that 5 years ago. Hence why the talk of fusion multiple sensor types together is stupid. You can do range and distance with cameras pretty well


Dear_Ebb_5181 t1_j6lv1yb wrote

They started really collecting data 2 years ago with 2000 beta testers. They collected 90 million miles by the end of the second year. Thats pretty damn epic and the improvements have been impressive. But fsd won’t be anywhere near perfect till they hit billions of miles. I think elon has been quoted as needing 6 billion miles and i wouldnt be surprised if it’s more… with 400k beta testers, we are years away. It will be gradual and iterative but the point is, it’s a matter of time. Is fsd anywhere near perfect? Hell no. Is the improvement progressing as needed to solve fsd within the next decade? Hell yes


ChemDude999 t1_j6lwd40 wrote

Mercedes sucks ass dude. Trust me, I own one. Fucking over priced prices of shit.


chefko t1_j6lyz6c wrote

I work in this field in europe and know that tesla and waymo are years ahead, not just in thinking but in attitude, business case and ambition. People have no fkin clue and undererstimate what is possible already with a geographically limited AV technology.


That-Whereas3367 t1_j6lz2de wrote

MB literally invented the car. They developed virtually every significant safety feature in the industry (ABS, crumple zones, traction control etc) and allowed anybody to use their patents. I think they know more about safety then Felon Musk.


opAnonxd t1_j6m22to wrote

i thought he was going to put a mix of lidar and cameras... for the moments the camera cant pick up the lidar can.


edit: stated older models wont get fsd due to this.


XLR8yourDay t1_j6m311y wrote

Hello, Volvo?

Three point seat belt

rearward facing child seat

booster seat

side impact protection systems (SIPS)

WHiplash protection

inflatable curtain

rollover protection

blind spot

emergency braking - several claim this


sameteam t1_j6m3gpa wrote

It is not to make a stainless steel vehicle with no crumple zones that will murder both its occupants and anything unlucky enough to be in its way when it’s broke ass “autopilot” decides to go kill mode.

Maybe this is why the cyber truck has blown its deadline so massively. Some poor fuck finally told Elon that nothing about the cyber truck is actually going to happen the way he wants it to.


CreativeMinds47 t1_j6m5f4x wrote

Did ever come to your mind that some people are smarter than paying 15k for to get extra suicidal mode? Not all companies lying and ripping their costumers off?? Or costumers, paying 15k to play a Tesla testing ape?

If you were really driving EQS and would have an objective opinion, you would now criticize the build and comfort crap of the Tesla right now! That is, if you are not actually one of those Tesla apes, daily masturbating on the Elon his pics and Twitter posts...


That-Whereas3367 t1_j6mbj9m wrote

A human brain literally has >10 orders of magnitude more processing power than an 'autonomous' vehicle.

Anybody who thinks FSD is is just a matter of more data and lines of code is a fucking idiot.


cjc323 t1_j6mvk3l wrote

teslas are far from being fsd, but the reality is they are still 10 years ahead of everyone else.


Rally72 t1_j6mzfe6 wrote

Mercedes and Mercedes. Not the same.


bigwhitecandle27 t1_j6n3tut wrote

Imagine your broke ass being such an elon cock sucking fan boy that you go on a FINANCE forum to lie about another car company. Absolute fucking loser


waxheartzZz t1_j6n56qz wrote

I got in with my triple froth carmel latte. I draped the seatbelt carefully over my suit, buckling the heavy metal clasp and placing my hands on the leather wheel. As I began driving, I decided to initiate the full self driving of Mercedes. As the machine took over, I took a swig of my latte. Three seconds into my full self driving experience, the car reached a critical error and I spit my latte all over the interior in laughter.


Anyone know if the dealership will charge me??


TheRealShinyNarwhal t1_j6n7567 wrote

Tesla is years ahead in tech, safety & design. Mercedes stuck w legacy-based dash design & impractical tech for now unfortunately. Think they rushed in to compete (like most legacy brands) w functionality & redesign as an afterthought—just so they could use materials they already had. Will be a while bf they catch up. It’s a joke people are even trying to make a comparison imho. Agree luxury trim out is better on Mercedes., thats their niche.


YoCaliBro t1_j6nvvww wrote

My only guess is he’s driving a level 3 prototype in Europe. It’s not available in the USA yet. But considering this feature (not level 3) has been available in almost every USA model Mercedes for many years now, this isn’t a fair comparison at all. I also have a hard time believing the prototype would have these limitations.

Edit: A press release says the new Mercedes system only does 40mph, so yes it’s the new level 3 system. That does suck, but clearly only designed for city driving.