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LShemesh2020 t1_j2awn08 wrote

Please do it so you lose all your money and my $GS will go up


whoisthelogos t1_j2awu78 wrote

Spy will rip on the morning It held above 178 all day support level 176

Tomorrow it rips and untill the first 2-3 days of January you will have spy testing thr 400 level if it breaks we go to 410

Then it goes down .


bored2death2 t1_j2ay5le wrote

Sell a call whose has a high volume and open interest.


bored2death2 t1_j2dqu5e wrote

Why would you want to pay the commission plus "Federal options tax" twice for the same trade?

Sell the call, let it expire worthless, pay the commission/tax only once. It's the same trade you are attempting, hardly any risker than buying something.