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VisualMod t1_j20w1r9 wrote

>I disagree with your assessment. I believe that the stock will go down on Monday and continue to trend downwards throughout the week.


daytradingguy t1_j20wk77 wrote

calls are not going to help you when it drops from $112 to $90 over the next couple weeks.


daytradingguy t1_j20x3lt wrote

I did read your post, I don’t think it will go up at all from here. It may pop a couple dollars like it did this morning, but it is out of favor and no big money is going to jump in and buy this right now, enough to drive up the price.


kk7766 OP t1_j20xajw wrote

If I'm selling Friday EOD, the next couple of weeks has zero impact on my positions, just the next 2 days. And I think there will be a run-up in anticipation for good delivery numbers


kk7766 OP t1_j20y2vi wrote

If the delivery numbers are horrible it will be $100 or below Monday. I am not holding onto it so I don't care what the delivery numbers are. I just care about people who buy TSLA as a lotto ticket in anticipation for it which will get it back to $120 - $125+ Friday EOD easily imo


Bradley182 t1_j20ypmz wrote

I just believe visualmod now these days.


itsgucci060 t1_j20zafe wrote

Can’t you just buy a large cap company in a good industry at a massively deflated P/E? Why must you make a pure gambling play? Unless you are/have been a trader by profession with a huge amount of capital to work with, there’s simply no way to consistently make money doing this. Please consider investing instead of gambling.


kk7766 OP t1_j20zj4l wrote

This comment is moronic. My account is up 300% this year. Buying calls in anticipation for a "buy the rumor, sell the news" event and then puts when the "sell the news" part takes place is one of the best ways to make money possible. It is not gambling whatsoever.


Bull_Winkle69 t1_j210gi5 wrote

Giga Berlin is kaput. Giga China can't import chips thanks to new IS ban.

Musk is off playing games.

TESLA is going to fall below 100 and earnings are going to reveal how bad things are.


Proud_Reserve3029 t1_j211e14 wrote

With how much time Elon has and how is making fun of fellow Twitter users. I expect the mother of all short squeeze when record numbers gets announced


tennahkey t1_j216q4p wrote

I’m betting 105 by friday easy