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third_legatron t1_j2d8mes wrote

Reply to comment by eJaguar in How low did you go in 2022? by dpdude007

Yeah, Its true that you're alone in this world. Starving dogs and what not, stupid movies we've all watched to feel introspective.

I had everything I wanted and threw it away. If you can get what I mean, that 50k I had would be worth more now with these opportunities that what I gambled it away on. Obviously, the 50k in my personal account was worth much less.

I had to learn what a dollar meant, nobody has ever taught me how to handle money. That is NOT blame, but it's a lesson I needed to learn. If I had 200k, shit even $20m, I would've lost it all. I didn't even look at the numbers as money. I grew up never seeing more than 1k cash. And honestly, the last time I saw that was when I was leaving the casino.

That should tell you something. I never took profit. I want to learn how to trade correctly, and I'll never give up, but at this point I haven't traded in 6 months, I'm broke. Can't even risk it. So, I can paper trade and just test my gambling. I hate it.

I have terrible self destructive habits that manifest when I least expect. It's something that I need to learn to live with.