Submitted by feetsonfury t3_zx64ug in wallstreetbets

Crocs now have a higher stock price than Tesla. Yes you heard that right. The autistic kid shoe label have surpassed the emperors kingdom.

$TSLA confirmed tits up

2023 gonna be helluva ride. See you regards in the ferry line across river Styx.



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VisualMod t1_j1yksmo wrote

>Tesla's stock price may have dipped below that of Crocs, but don't count the electric car maker out just yet. Tesla is still a much bigger company than Crocs, and it has far more growth potential. So while Crocs may be hot right now, Tesla is still the better long-term investment.


OkAd1894 t1_j1yldbi wrote

Hmm, Market cap much? 6,6B vs 388B


squirea1 t1_j1ylvwc wrote

And chipotle is 10x Tesla share price. What’s your point?


Buck_Folton t1_j1ymy6o wrote

Jesus. I mourn for this sub. It gets dumber every day.


just_ubcing t1_j1yreml wrote

Driving a poorly designed Tesla wearing overpriced plastic Crocs is the way to the Elite.


Awkward-Issue-1311 t1_j1yum38 wrote

I am curios how there can be some genius guys in here and at the same time 90% are dumber than a fork


hereliesh1m t1_j1z6zyo wrote

This is beyond the normal levels of regarded


halfdecenttakes t1_j1zll9p wrote

Brother, somebody needs to tell you that price doesn’t mean shit. Market cap does. Tesla shares could lose half their value over night and Crocs still wouldn’t come anywhere close to its worth.


hash303 t1_j1zrpz0 wrote

How many shares outstanding? Never go full regard


monkeyStinks t1_j206wiz wrote

Dont underestimate crocs, by 2024 they will have self walking shoes and then well see who gets the last laugh


Mikepav29 t1_j20n9do wrote

The type of market analysis I'd expect from this sub...


bittle_bop t1_j20vj12 wrote

Invert whatever position this guy has


SirDiamondBalls t1_j2132lr wrote

Jesus this sub is garbage. I want to call this peak stupid, but tomorrow is a new day.


h1rik1 t1_j218tco wrote

Thank you for helping me feel smart. 👍


Rhyndir t1_j22awzl wrote

Where’s visual mod to roast this regard when u need it