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brickhouse1013 t1_j269olg wrote

If you tards would just stop buying puts the market could perform a proper correction. I swear the only thing holding it together is all the open put OI on Robbin Hood. Lol


Ok_Position_7465 t1_j29bwjx wrote

I think there is something to what you are saying. Something is keeping it from imploding and it isn’t J.P. or the government.


brickhouse1013 t1_j29cj6n wrote

Besides the conspiracy theory part regarding the market hating retail there is the logical explanation that large funds hedged appropriately and if they are also holding puts the market will not sell off all at once.

If a long position is properly hedged there is little reason to sell longs below put strike.

I have a theory yet to be proven that we don’t see another major leg down until last years leap outs expire 1/20/23.


Ok_Position_7465 t1_j29ww6x wrote

I don’t think the market makers hate retail I think they love them. It’s why they offer them the opportunity to gamble their money. I think anytime you invest your money in anything it’s a gamble so there is no hatred there. I want the bottom that any sensible person knows is coming so I can adapt improvise and overcome the hardship that’s coming. People loved that stimulus money and we are paying for it already

Luckily I’m just starting to get interested in the market and how I can extract some money from it. I lost around 1600$ in crypto but I consider it a valuable lesson I paid for. I got to experience the emotions of wanting to get out, holding like a dummy for too long, taking a loss, and accepting that there is rules to this shjt that have to be followed.

I’m subscribed to WSJ, Barron’s, and Market Watch. I also have been watching that Ross guy from warrior trading I think it is, and day trading addict. What information are you reading to make yourself sound as sensible as you do?


brickhouse1013 t1_j29xhfe wrote

I have zero financial education nor do I subscribe to anything. I’m just using common sense and gambling on dumb shit like everyone else. Lol