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EotEaH t1_j21p00f wrote

Have you looked into work as an air traffic controller?


hangem683 t1_j21vy6f wrote

Have you looked into work as a palm reader?


whoppersandwich t1_j22y1fm wrote

ATC here, you’ll get laughed out of the room if you employ any maths beyond multiplying/dividing by 6


ANTRXMNKY t1_j23fn28 wrote

If one lines doesn’t work just make another one. Too easy


bulletproof11 t1_j21rk7d wrote

well whichever way it goes with those lines you can always tell us "i told you guys"


BulletPlease t1_j21t0s8 wrote

I dunno, Pal.

Looking at all this voodoo here, we could say the 50 day SMA about to cross the 100 day SMA with next target of 200 day SMA. I think they call that a golden cross and trend reversal.

Also, Jupiter is about to cross into Saturn's orbit, so that's going on too, just sayin.


IndianRegard t1_j21p7o7 wrote

Could it not be presented in a simplistic manner, with non essentials removed.

Look at 'em lines, so many, this way, that way, every which way.

>Structural failure..

Sounds like societal collapse.


kobalt429 t1_j229upr wrote

your brain is a structural failure


redditbebigmad t1_j21r419 wrote

I spy with my little eye something that means nothing.


mysticgohan84 t1_j21s4p5 wrote

Was there any clear reason for today's behavior? Please use words a 4th grade education can understand.


Schlonksi t1_j23313r wrote

>4th grade education can understand

Or a golden retriever, it wasn't brains that got me here, I can assure you that.


Zeen454545 t1_j229nev wrote

I use to unironically be like this. Technical analysis is a mental illness, find something productive to do, like working out, or improving education and job prospects, havent commeted here in a while but i felt the need to when i saw this


Schlower288 t1_j22alex wrote

What's the secret then?


Zeen454545 t1_j22apmt wrote

Secret to what


Schlower288 t1_j22b4gt wrote

I use technical analysis for a basic framework to trade within but have long since fallen out with it as being reliable at face value. Wondering what works for you.


Zeen454545 t1_j22c60i wrote

When it comes to trading i have given up, no way retail can get an edge and there are a few proper trading systems like the one tastytrade recomend that might return a few percent above a market index. I now just buy and hold spy. As of this year i am down like most people, but thats all right,

There are certain temporary edges you can exploit like trading an inverted vix futures curve, during a crash, there is no way near term futures can remain higher than back month futures forever, so you sell near month and hedge buy buying back month, expecting mean reversion aka the market to calm down after a crash, which it does, this is volatility trading, whej vol is high sell, when low buy. You can also trade option IV, by comparing it to historical vol to get an edge. Mind you these stategues are leveraged and the wall st degen puts everything in one trade instead of using the small margin requirments to diversify.

The problem is when you diversify a trade that earns like 100% on margin, only accounts for like a 1 percent gain in your account but if you bet your whole account you can double it or risk losing it completley. One of the reasons we chase high returns is becausd we are not instutions gifted with billions that can afford like 7% a year, we gotta hit 7000% to see decent money, an instituion can pay the salaries of thousands by earning a few percent. Good luck the odds are against you, consider this a hobby at best.


joevan55645 t1_j21u11t wrote

For other fun tips. Draw a trend line from the 2009 bottom, upper and lower, we blew right past the upper in 2021. Are we going to test the lower bound? Got me but it would be an amazing buying opportunity. The thing that struck me as being so useful about doing that is you're literally looking at how fast the economy can grow on a line.

This short-term stuff is lottery tickets, which I'm not really opposed to since I visit this place but there's a lot of who knows involved in that. Seems like it would be a good way to stack your odds if we do start getting down towards that lower trend line since 2009 and then we get some kind of recognition from the FED of how bad things are. there's your trade


Ruby992511 t1_j21z08n wrote

Is this a joke? That's too many lines to not be a joke


flexidonas21 t1_j21z9x4 wrote

I see it bro! Thanks for the update


LemonPureLeafTea t1_j2270nt wrote

Not reading all that! Next time toss it in meme format so i know where to toss my life savings.


gtrades31 OP t1_j21naxk wrote

SPY 4h. Broke down the internal uptrend channel & near to retest the weekly flag lows (yellow lines); if it get rejected & turns upward there could be another potential reentry or close inside a new developing uptrend pattern to work with.


DroopedSteelBean t1_j21on3x wrote

That’s really fascinating. What do the lines mean?


J3ster14 t1_j21qir9 wrote

I think OP is saying SPY could either go up or down from here.


sndlgoupplz t1_j21rypl wrote

Hes saying down


J3ster14 t1_j21tbx5 wrote

Sure, but if a green bar goes above that diagonal line... HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS!


euserc75 t1_j21ztln wrote

I don’t see an engineering degree being mentioned anywhere - fake news


bumble938 t1_j227fdu wrote

It doesn’t matter where it move you will overlay a line that match it after the facts. Tell me what will the next few candle be?


dirtbikeriderx1 t1_j22grtz wrote

Green bars buy, red bars sell. Got it. Thanks.


just_ubcing t1_j22qdti wrote

That was a catastrophic failure.... It will not keel.


lockmon t1_j22rm46 wrote

Ouch my eyes


Jeece712 t1_j22vt6r wrote

If it's technical analysis without any fundamental explanation then it must be right.


Jeece712 t1_j22vtgj wrote

If it's technical analysis without any fundamental explanation then it must be right.


organizedRhyme t1_j231ajr wrote

your chart looks so ugly it's hard to take serious


SushiSamurai808 t1_j23c2hf wrote

How does this work if you’re a Taurus?


One-Persimmon-6083 t1_j23ci78 wrote

You didn't sigma your Bollinger bands. Also I would invert that triple canary peak and push a trend line towards the gimbal. That way you would easily spot that this is a classic king of spades setup flexed over a tarrington hammer. Buy my TA course for more black hat deep knowledge.


Bartlett818 t1_j23ra8c wrote

Does this mean more people are wanting to short or the opposite?


PDT_FSU95 t1_j23scpc wrote

Haven’t seen that many lines since college


Chronotheos t1_j23up4t wrote

“You know what I found? There IS. NO. PEPE. SILVIA.”


NagatoKami t1_j23wyuw wrote

You are not in Cuba, Pablo. Stop.


ensdomainss t1_j23wzpf wrote

dafuq is this ?keep it simple fool, you deserve your loss


dramarehab t1_j2407hu wrote

Annnnnnnd we’re back on a moon mission this morning! Nice astrology though img


Alien8w8 t1_j249o13 wrote

needs at least 100 more lines.


MarsRejects t1_j24cw64 wrote

read between the lines ...


Wisesize t1_j24mug8 wrote

What line am I looking at here?


DingDong629 t1_j24tzas wrote

Is this what you call Abstract art?


MrULTRALONG t1_j25598f wrote

Wtf you all still believe in Lines, just open your mind


30turdy t1_j267zfc wrote

Structure failure- please tell me you have a degin civil engineering and you used to survey bridges before becoming Options Mike lol


pineapple3210 t1_j26rj96 wrote

How’d that work for you line boy?


gtrades31 OP t1_j26vndy wrote

u should follow on twtr or st automod is not allowing me to post chart updates


Hazel_Nutz777 t1_j27brl9 wrote

Cool chart. Thx for sharing. I'm short SPY. New year sell off here we come.


Weekly-Pool211 t1_j22uzik wrote

Meanwhile Biden is probably tweeting saying. “The economy is the best it’s ever been!”