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SoulMute t1_iyd36d0 wrote

All of this sage wisdom to match the performance of the S&P tho.


NoMoreLandBro OP t1_iyd3myx wrote

Exactly. Kind of a waste of time. The reason I dislike the SP500 is it gets growth stock weighted with crap I dislike like Facebook and Tesla. In 2020, something like 40% of the SP500 was in Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and Tesla.


1nd3x t1_iyejnvj wrote

>Exactly. Kind of a waste of time.

Not for me it wasnt...I'd tip you but I'm an

Seriously though, thanks for taking the time to write this stuff out. I've been going through some of your comments as I find them here and you've done some things I was considering and didnt, and I did some things you were considering and didnt...kinda allows me to learn from the things I decided not to, and see what make others consider not doing it (like...was I just lucky on a coinflip I thought was in the bag based on missing some you maybe had that caused you to think "nah, not for me")


You mentioned Uranium, I would offer up Helium as another commodity now that the US government is done price suppressing it.

If you want some symbol tips, or want to connect and chat about investments in general send me a PM, I'm always interested in expanding my network of trusted individuals(just you, I'm ignoring other people messaging me requests)


NoMoreLandBro OP t1_iyek53o wrote

How do I invest in helium? I’ve heard about this shortage for years. It’s used in MRI machines.


Ok-Government-846 t1_iydaw9s wrote

@nomorelandbro. i realize you think this is fun and you think youre if u had this much time on your hands youd buy the sp 500 or most of it (you mention you dont like certain ones in comments below) Individually -key word here- and then sell the losers at year end for tax harvesting. bam you just beat yourself the sp 500..