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VisualMod t1_iybdyx7 wrote

>It is indeed looking like Apple's stock may take a hit in the near future. This is largely due to the mounting political pressure against the company, as well as increasing public awareness of their unethical business practices. I would recommend selling if you have any holdings in Apple stock.


life_of_guac t1_iybe9vx wrote

Puts on tsla, apple is stronger than USD


StrawberryWaste3012 t1_iybeejf wrote

Thumbs up for the revolutionaries.

Do you really think Microsoft did nothing monopolistic?


theoldgreenwalrus t1_iybefhs wrote

Are you trolling? Twitter isn't free speech, it's a private business, so is Apple.


Use-Quirky t1_iybejpk wrote

Do these people you know actually own Apple products?


Buck_Folton t1_iybf6lg wrote

Stop blabbin’ out your cumhole and short it up, shorty.


serres53 t1_iybfn6o wrote

Why are you parroting fucking Elon the Maleficent?


R1cky_Spanish t1_iybfpwl wrote

Lol Elon is a douche. All the right wing, white power, nazi assholes that used to hate him, love him now because he let Trump back into the club. But everyone else is leaving now because it's a total toilet. What a fucking spectacular failure


Brig_raider t1_iybfxf0 wrote

What sort of ignorant word vomit is this post. Lol.


ThisIsMyReal-Name t1_iybg02d wrote

My grandpappy said hed never buy another MacBook Pro 16” 1Tb 32gb unified memory M2 Max ever again, not with Tim Apple, who hates free speech running the ship.

Fuck it I’m gonna buy another laptop from them just cuz op is a regard.


PeeLoosy t1_iybg6sn wrote

I love iPhone. The end.


NoMathematician8056 t1_iybg7j8 wrote

People. Don't. Actually. Care. People who love their iPhone, their MacBook, their iPad, they don't give a shit. They'll keep buying regardless of the price. Regardless of the ethics, collusion, or lawsuits. The stock will take a small hit, until the next news cycle, and then they'll move on. People will buy the dip, and it won't affect the stock for more than a quarter.


ThisIsMyReal-Name t1_iybgaa3 wrote

No no, Apple is the only bad guy in this world, did you know they charge people for their services!?!?!?!?!!!!!? And they don’t even let anybody who wants to be on the AppStore in!

I spent years working on the most immersive IOS porn experience, synced with cutting edge state of the art teledildonics, and Tim Apple wouldn’t let me put it on there. What happened to FREE SPEECH?


cstrand31 t1_iybgx74 wrote

I think you might have the right idea if you’re trying to be like musk. Take a bunch of money and short apple. As long as you’re both just burning cash, might as well pull the lever on those 0dte SPY calls. Jackass.


Kick_A_Door t1_iybh9r8 wrote

I do not like what apple is doing but believing a company should do the morally correct thing and not what’s best for the bottom line is a bad trap to put yourself in. As a trade I wouldn’t short AAPL at 140 but I am short QQQ which has a lot of AAPL in it. But if AAPL gets down to 130s I’ll start getting long again.


Few_Dig7979 t1_iybi84c wrote

Stop trying to make your apple puts print, its pathetic. lol


throwaway0891245 t1_iybixwk wrote

People see the world like it’s a matter of good and evil when it’s more like grifters and nobodies.


copenhegan54 t1_iybj89d wrote

Lol no one gives a shit except pure Musk regards like you.

As for the App store fiasco it's there store, there House there rules. Dont like to follow there rules then move to a different platform. Mr Musk cannot expect to bully a trillion dollar company into advertising on his platform.


hellish0098 t1_iybk90y wrote

Elon’s post today was so triggering that I am selling my Tesla & Tesla stocks - I don’t want no part in his shit show


Bradley182 t1_iybl09o wrote

I bought an iPhone 14 plus for full price on Black Friday.


CheetoEnergy t1_iybmdr2 wrote

Corporations like Apple (exploitation of Chinese people), Cisco ( created the Great Firewall of China) and others are inherently tyrannical.

If corporations are willing to work for the CCP and create services for them it's hard to say they are friends of freedom. They directly prop up dictators. Some people will do anything to get their services in a country of 1.4B. Because money...


UnholyTrigon t1_iybmoay wrote

I’d genuinely slap you if you said this stupid shit in my face


wildwardy3 t1_iybnwxj wrote

This guy definitely fucks family members


SpeechStraight t1_iybp1iz wrote

Free speech is good it is basically handing idiots the rope to hang themselves with, if your not a authoritarian dickhead trying to controls peoples thoughts and actions free speech is the shit


SateliteDicPic t1_iybpedc wrote

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”


Po0TyBoOtY t1_iybqjsa wrote

I hope your mom goes down for Xmas


Critical-Series t1_iybqn84 wrote

You’re regarded and sound like a lunatic.

You know what actually happened? Apple decreased their advertising spend on Twitter and Musk freaked out.

If you love freedom, why should Apple be required to advertise on a certain channel?

It’s called freedom. The freedom to have your ads shown on marketing channels that you like.

Kinda like the MyPillow guy, but in reverse.


Critical-Series t1_iybr7uf wrote

Lol it’s hilarious that people think it’s some revolutionary event that Apple is buying less as space on Twitter.

Maybe Apple doesn’t want their iPhone ad sandwiched between a Marjorie Taylor Green shitpost and Kyle Rittenhouse running for President.


bananabanker t1_iybvh71 wrote

>I know people personally who are strongly against Apple

Guys... He KNOWS people. Clearly doesn't belong here woth us lonely losers.


NoIncrease299 t1_iyc0f2a wrote

> now that Elon Musk is exposing the truth



goodnewsjimdotcom OP t1_iyc0qvv wrote

Right. Look at Amazon. They banned me from Twitch because I talked about China executing peaceful Hong Kong protestors as not right. I said terrorism is evil I said drug lords are evil. Turns out Amazon likes money more than human rights. They ban someone like me raising awareness for human rights, then promote young girls to become the future prostitutes of America . It ain't right. Proof of that (you must assemble a link because reddit is censoring free speech of

rum ble dot com/vyykoj-amazon-are-proterrorism-by-banning-people-who-say-terrorists-are-evil-on-tw.html

rum ble dot com/vp6pwp-amazon-are-proterrorism-by-banning-people-who-say-terrorists-are-evil-on-tw.html?mref=sbycb&mc=11sm2

I guess reddit suppressing free speech of rum ble links only furthers the idea that free speech is under attack.

People can try it at home,100% always censored if you try and put a fully formed rum ble link on reddit, grab one and play at home. Yes, try this at home.

I totally agree with you, lots of people like money more than human rights.


goodnewsjimdotcom OP t1_iyc0ydw wrote

You don't like your free speech? Without free speech, you become a slave. I actually told Elon to buy twitter and how if he doesn't, he'll only be able to buy the world's most gilded cage. Once Free Speech goes, all freedoms go. We're no longer America land of the free and home of the brave, it's game over once free speech goes.


goodnewsjimdotcom OP t1_iyc1an5 wrote

I don't recommend shorting Apple, terrible idea, don't bank on the apathy and intelligence of the masses. Never bank on a fad to become a long term deal. But just watch if you do have shares... Be ready to jump off the ride early.


borknar t1_iyc4ftz wrote

The way I see it they can ban whatever the fuck they want on the App Store it’s their store. By your logic the government should file an antitrust suit against Build-a-Bear Workshop because they won’t sell Fleshlights. Here’s an amazing idea if you want to use Twitter on an iPhone in the extremely unlikely event they ban it open it up the web browser


marmalodak t1_iyc74t9 wrote

You're supposed to sniff the glue, not guzzle it.


Agreeable_Net_4325 t1_iycen24 wrote

As if elon aint a fucking ccp stooge half of the value of his stupid company relies on china hes just a bigger hypocrite trying to pass as red blooded conservative jesus as smoke and mirrors to his gyna dependence. Stfu tsla bagholder.


jhnnybgood t1_iycjh0t wrote

Elon is a fucking clown the only thing he is exposing is his own ignorance


willateo t1_iycoo35 wrote

He went full Simple Jack. Never go full Simple Jack.


Wide_Cardiologist667 t1_iycpbz2 wrote

yes please keep spreading panic i like the sale price on aapl getting better