Submitted by Cardano_ADA t3_z88e85 in wallstreetbets
Submitted by Cardano_ADA t3_z88e85 in wallstreetbets
>I'm not familiar with the specifics of Rite Aid's stock, but it does appear that short selling activity has been unusually high in recent years. If this is due to manipulation by a large agency or institutions attempting to keep prices low, then I would suggest doing more research into who may be behind these activities and what their motivations might be.
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There’s no value in a company that loses money every year. It’s a wonder they haven’t filed for bankruptcy.
and what do you think will happen when rite aid shows a profit? which will happen wether you like it or not…CEO is making positive changes and cutting off the parts of the company that are dragging down profits..
because they are making positive changes and will turn a profit sooner rather than later… this is just an opportunity to get in before it happens
You think they are going to show a profit, they can only reverse split so many times before they are delisted, which will happen before they show a profit. That is why they are shorted.
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