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davescilken t1_ixfet1k wrote

I used to be so proud of my TSLA investment. Sold it all yesterday. This twitter dumpster fire is the downfall of what would have been a fantastic empire.


BlueMysteryWolf t1_ixffchg wrote

I'm convinced he wanted to start a fire at the company. He pretty much stated as such with all of his "Radical changes" that he wanted to do.

Imagine when the end result is the consumers/advertisers going "This isn't what we signed up for." and just leaving.


Karl_Spakler_ t1_ixfkrcg wrote

Same, sold at 180, but I want back in already, Stockholm syndrome, I’m hoping for 150 then back in, otherwise it was a good run


jhnnybgood t1_ixhd63w wrote

I wouldn’t look at a price target I would just watch the overall market for the bottom. It could go under $100


Hitemup27 t1_ixfqw7k wrote

Bought at 50, but holy fuck has Elon gone to shit. Making me question selling it all just to assuage my moral guilt.


davescilken t1_ixftkhf wrote

Yep. There are other investments. At this point, plenty with more potential.