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LessTalkMoreRock1 OP t1_iufops1 wrote

Same. Jpow needs to be taken seriously and this is how he’s gonna do it


SateliteDicPic t1_iufuw3g wrote

I believe he will be Hawkish AF but we still get .75bps hike. The real question will be if the market believes him or if like in June when he comes out saying hawkish shit the market yawns and buys the dip harder. Jpow speech days were some of the biggest greenest dildos all year up until Jackson Hole.


PolyDipsoManiac t1_iuglr4y wrote

Bro it’s 75 basis points or .75%, .75 basis points is .0075%. Morons


SateliteDicPic t1_iugltf0 wrote

Agreed. I wouldn’t trust me with numbers. Well with anything really.