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ST0IC_ t1_iu9ze3g wrote

So he's going to shut it down? Because that's the only outcome that will benefit humanity.


redditrussy t1_iua68qg wrote

Kinda like how Putin is invading Ukraine to help Ukrainian people


donobinladin t1_iua6sdv wrote

Exactly like this. Frankly it’s gonna be awesome watching this implode around him and distract him from his other two companies.

I give it a year before he cuts bait and lets Twitter fall to shambles


gin-soda-lemon t1_iua7d6n wrote

I go to Wendy's for support of the WSB community


Tandem_shower t1_iuaalq5 wrote

And I'm getting off it to help my sanity


GetAtThisbro t1_iuaio1t wrote

Yeah because humanity is in the hands of social media to be saved….sure


Nobody_Puzzled t1_iuaxitf wrote

would have been better to give all of us a million bucks


azndvl616 t1_iub312w wrote

He’s helping out humanity by wiping out twitter.


Hodorous t1_iuba7ag wrote

So this is what should say to my gf when I buy 0TD options.


dwinps t1_iubbuaj wrote

Elon loves humanity like Jeffrey Epstein loves Girl Scouts


Outrageous_Union_756 t1_iubx6md wrote

Nope he just understands the power of unified thought E.i. and yes E.i not I.e. word in others not in other words! It's unfortunate that it currently is a necessary step to guide human reason.


CrayonTendies t1_iubz8es wrote

Bro this a hole is trying to turn humans into the borg to harness our collective brain power making himself the primary and thinks he’s doing us a favor. F him


Shroomboom420 t1_iucp216 wrote

And then instantly unbans the worlds biggest spreader of hatred and misinformation


sjnuen t1_iucuk3n wrote

I bet some shorts got squeezed on his deal. Might have had to close other short positions due to margin requirements, causing market to go up.


That_Guy_Brody t1_iucy1em wrote

I'm pooping right now to "help humanity." You jerks are welcome


Spare-Competition-91 t1_iudc3m2 wrote

ANyone saying they are trying to help humanity with social media is a fucking asshole. Social media has been the downfall of society.


Apprehensive_Gap_357 t1_iueg55m wrote

that's his way to give back to humanity. he supported war in ukraine by providing starlink satellites, but the democrats put him down?


crestingwave t1_iufen9p wrote

He looks like a Toad Mayor from a children’s book.