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neothedreamer t1_iujzaor wrote

Dude. You are gambling. Stop now.

0DTE are absolutely gambling.

Just start buying SPY and let it sit for decades otherwise you will just keep losing everything you put in.


Smithmonster t1_iuk86ms wrote

Like 95% of options expire worthless, if you go play in a casino long enough you will lose all your money. If you’re going to gamble don’t be mad when you lose. We’re entering a recession, stocks stocks are going to be cheap. Save your money until then, then buy safe stocks or etfs. Then wait ten years.


ImaginarySector366 OP t1_iuk0cs1 wrote

I get what you’re saying man. But when you see the insane gains that happens sometimes, It’s tempting.


NihilisticCoffee t1_iuk2ky2 wrote

That’s what gambling is, you see a glimmer of hope and say this is it. Or you tell yourself you don’t wanna miss it. You’re 100% gambling, never go all in you gotta pace yourself and take small gains. Cut your losses on losing trades and only do like 5% max of your portfolio in any 1 trade.