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VisualMod t1_iufd9ni wrote

>I do not see any signs of a recession, but I believe that one may be coming. The Fed will not pivot from rate hikes until the end of 2023: JPM strategist MI Markets Insider . 2d


eirinite t1_iufdcxp wrote

who has the best anime glasses adjustment, janet or jpow?


Top-Kaleidoscope-751 t1_iufe3kq wrote

Janet needs new glasses. How can she expect anyone to take her seriously?


Vaudesnitchy t1_iufh5e2 wrote

Hey y’all, we have so many people on here, it stands to reason that someone may know her. Would somebody please, PLEASE tell her Popped collars and bowl cuts are not the cute she is looking for? She just keeps doing it..😬


Notherertnw t1_iufo7u7 wrote

Of course she won't. She can't do maths.


Common_Monk_6301 t1_iufpob2 wrote

Generally I don't agree with Krugman, but Yellen is simply not looking if she can't see it or she's looking only at lagging indicators that are more or less still positive at the moment. I think the Fed may be actually trying to start a recession as a way to moderate inflation and reset the economy. At the very least their policies are not friendly to economic growth which if miscalculated would lead right into a recession.

Also, Yellen has been severely wrong very recently on the issue of inflation. Not that that makes her wrong on this topic, but she's not infallible on the big issues.,pace%20of%20price%20gains%20to%20return%20to%20normal.


DRGWTM t1_iug1ziv wrote

Have Yellen or Krugman under been correct? They both have dismal records!


nasty_nater t1_iug3yt5 wrote

When the glasses come off it’s time to fuck


Independent_Row_Goes t1_iuga53w wrote

They need to be thinking about their bosses and the midterm elections because if they f this up then it’ll be a b for the incumbents


eddie7000 t1_iugew30 wrote

There's a decoupling underway, from China and their cheap labor, which requires higher prices and lower demand in the short term. Higher prices will stimulate producers to expand their factories etc,,, and lower demand will happen because supply will continue to be well below where it would otherwise be, forcing low income consumers out of the retail markets.

So inflation is the correct course of action as far as global politics is concerned.

But a recession is highly unlikely as the capital investment required to restart domestic manufacturing will create a new economic boom as all the extech workers pick up shovels.

TLDR: America always wins.

Side note: Don't worry, be happy.


HeyHihoho t1_iugnx5q wrote

For purposes of effect we are in a reccession and Janet has "transitoried" statements since ancient times .


sendokun t1_iugu8a2 wrote

Is Helen trying to dare Powell?


Billionairess t1_iugzu11 wrote

Not sure why people think there'll be cuts so soon when the fed is likely to just hold the current rates for 1-2 years


WoodenSimplement t1_iuh0j7x wrote

Economists in general have terrible records - no one is out investing other peoples money just on the back of an economics degree (more likely an MBA, and some undiagnosed psychopathy).

Krugman is fairly open in saying as much, so his worth is more in deconstructing what went wrong after the fact…He definitely has interesting takes on stories as they unfold and when it’s over he genuinely tries to figure out where he went wrong.

For my money, it beats the alternatives who made completely terrible predictions and just deny they made any such predictions after the fact.


jusmoua t1_iuhxlmh wrote

Jerome should double the hike rate to 1.5 img


Flynn_Kevin t1_iui6zw4 wrote

Whoa intelligent, succinct discourse. I dig it, and it's spot on.

>So inflation is the correct course of action as far as global politics is concerned.

Also agreed, but with caveat. Pump is primed at the top, it's time to open the floodgate for wages at the bottom 75% of the curve. It won't work if the masses making the products can't afford the products.

And on that note, we need a burn mechanism; i.e. taxes that support current operations and future growth. Start by removing the income cap on Social Security taxes. Reinstitute income tax rates like in the mid 1930s, and treat stock compensation like income, not capital gains. Eliminate the national debt.

>TLDR: America always wins.

First mover advantage with nukes and favorable geographic location FTW. We wrote the terms for WWIII at the end of the WWII.


imunfair t1_iuk1aeh wrote

I wish that senile old bat would realize she's not chairman of the fed any longer and let jpow do his job in peace without constantly making inflammatory statements.