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Known-Recognition-56 t1_jec6e4o wrote

If volatility spikes pre-market you will be in the green, monitor the VIX in the AM. Boeing is up 68% the past 6 months, it is due for a pull back. In general we buy the rumor and sell the news.

If things go south on the 3-31 calls, do not sell the call for 4-6. Wait and see if the put contracts for 4-6 begin to be overpriced and sell 5-10 put contracts for a credit to recoup loss (if you are still bullish).

All in all good play but you need to add insurance to these Willy Wonka Golden Tickets. On this one you could have sold the 4-6 207.5 call and increased your odds by almost 90%. You would have received a credit and not been debited. Basically a free play with downside protection.

Keep trusting your instinct though, when you doubt yourself before a trade don’t initiate it.