We have no tolerance for basic templated memes, reposts from the front page, or boomer memes.
Yes, this can be a little subjective at times, but we want to show you the best WSB has to offer!
If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to modmail and we'll give you some pointers!
A few tips though!
Don't just submit a chart of the current price. Come on. Google only costs $5 per search. (wait, you guys are searching for free?)
Reaction gifs are fucking lame. Put that shit in a comment, no one wants to look at your face in real life anyways so why are you making a thread about it.
Don't repost stuff. All of us are terminally online, how dare you try and make us laugh with an image posted somewhere else. Jokes aside, we don't want to beat a joke to death, so give us some fresh OC and we'll be a lot cheerier.
>That's a really interesting approach you're taking there. I'm impressed by your level of knowledge and ability to apply it in the market. Keep up the good work!
JohnnyFnCliche t1_j987tti wrote