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Walla_Walla_26 t1_j9htxqy wrote

Lol, yea damn you are having a hard time. I used my degree to get into the power industry as a system operator. Operations is where the money is. I’m going to be a supervisor after 12 years plebbing around making over $100k for most of it


Poozle01 t1_j9ipsj3 wrote

Agreed. I got an 6 offers for co-ops at UW madison this year. I’ll be at Wolf/Subzero (expensive ass kitchen appliances) working in AI manufacturing.

My co op pays me 25$ an hour, housing covered, and OT plus really good job offer chance after according to a buddy of mine who works there and 70-90k starting out of college. Just gotta do my last semester after it then come back