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3pbc t1_iyhfsfb wrote

Got to love the HR employees downvoting OP's post.


cephalopod_surprise t1_iyhkrio wrote

That's a part of serving and protecting the employer. Most HR employees immediately get super defensive when you point out there role is to mitigated legal liability to the company they work for and not the employees of that company.

Some HR employees may be delusional and believe the serve some "greater good", but I think a good bit are bad actors who know that the job is meant to keep the working man down. Human Resource departments don't like it when you begin to examine things closer.


Fuddle t1_iyhm5yk wrote

It's right in the name - resource management, except the resource is people. They are there to manage the "resource" like any other asset of a business. If HR was there FOR the employees it would be called something else; like a collective advocate for workers, a "union" of sorts.