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justxkyle t1_jcxrx3m wrote

And there's the unexpected Canadian nostalgia bump I didn't expect


Tedsallis t1_jcxslr9 wrote

Waaaay back when I was in elementary school in the 70's a teacher stated that there was no rhyme for Orange. I immediately piped up "Door Hinge!" and got a super frosty glare in return. All the kids laughed and I won school that day.


Panamaned t1_jcxtacp wrote

Netflix binge? Big cringe? Stinky minge?


bishopsfinger t1_jcxxpti wrote

Someone hasn't played "The Curse of Monkey Island" in a while


joeefx t1_jcxzw1l wrote

The first time I heard door hinge rhyme for orange was either Rowan Martin or the Smother Brothers back in the sixties. I can't remember which it was though. I'm old.


tomsaiyuk t1_jcy572t wrote

nobody ever says "floor tinge" dangit


keyserv t1_jcy94p8 wrote

Ask Styles P about rhyming orange with garbage.


Wolversteve t1_jcycwvj wrote

Am I the only one who thinks orange and door hinge don’t rhyme at all? I guess it all depends on how you pronounce orange. Or Ang could rhyme with door hinge I suppose, but if I was gonna pronounce it like that I would rather rhyme it with porridge


nadmaximus t1_jcyh4br wrote

Me with my fine southern accent trying to make 'door hinge' sound like 'arnj'


TheMelv t1_jcyk88h wrote

Wow, that's Canadian? I remember the early days of Nickelodeon just pulling children's programming from wherever (didn't know it at the time). Turns out I watched a bunch of anime and Canadian shows without realizing it.


SuspiciousBadger t1_jcypwnh wrote

Idk if it's my accent or whatnot, but don't porridge, morgage, storage, forage all rhyme as well? I was always mildly confused by this.


Goonskwizzle t1_jcysr5r wrote

Bryant Oden (kids singer) has a cute song called the color song which also rhymes I have to burple with purple


arealhumannotabot t1_jcyu3sd wrote

Well, in a way yes, and in the video where Emienm breaks down this type of rhyming, some of those words are words he uses in the example and the basic idea of how it works

He never said he was the first to rhyme orange with door hinge, though...


arealhumannotabot t1_jcyuak6 wrote

I don't recall anyone saying Eminem was the first to do so, but that idea has been spreading


DasMotorsheep t1_jcywz60 wrote

>Well, in a way yes, and in the video where Emienm breaks down this type of rhyming

It's called a slant rhyme, and the way you make it work is usually to use several more of them. It's like a quick re-training of the ear to accept these imperfect rhymes more readily because the pattern is more obvious.


MrmmphMrmmph t1_jcz0ako wrote

This would be some pretty strange casting for the prequel to 8 mile.


hawkwings t1_jcz1t5k wrote

Before Eminem was famous, I heard a British comedian say it with a British accent.


SemiConductHer t1_jczsxv1 wrote

I’ve never heard anyone claim Eminem was the first to do that


dbo84 t1_jd18x75 wrote

Holy shit! I think about this exact moment when I hear nothing rhymes with Orange!


ccbbb23 t1_jd27lzw wrote

They did it on Happy Days way back when.