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Wolversteve t1_jcycwvj wrote

Am I the only one who thinks orange and door hinge don’t rhyme at all? I guess it all depends on how you pronounce orange. Or Ang could rhyme with door hinge I suppose, but if I was gonna pronounce it like that I would rather rhyme it with porridge


JakalDX t1_jcyzjx1 wrote

It's called a slant rhyme, and yeah like you said, it depends on saying the word in a specific way to make it rhyme. Like "orringe"


naymlis t1_jcys4io wrote

Door hinge is more of a perfect rhyme but I do like porridge


CompleMental t1_jcyx6ad wrote

Neither is perfect


naymlis t1_jcyzqen wrote

Door is a perfect rhyme for the first syllable or and hinge is a perfect rhyme for the second inge. As long as you pronounce it that way obviously


CompleMental t1_jcz4jyq wrote

People pronounce the -ange like -inge? That makes no sense to me and I’ve never heard anyone say the words similarly. Do people say “oringe” or “door-ahnge”?


naymlis t1_jcz6o5f wrote

Oringe is the only way I pronounced it and heard the majority of ppl say it that way. Never heard ppl say "or onj"