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Seankps t1_j7s12y8 wrote

Not huge in Zelda, but is it typical for Link to have an aircraft?


Bormsie721 t1_j7se0aa wrote

He's had a train and boat before. Plane was the next logical form of transportation


alrij t1_j7si159 wrote

he had a motorcycle in botw as well


Savantrovert t1_j7t4t8f wrote

Thankfully he outgrew that awkward Furry phase when he thought he was a wolf.


grant47 t1_j7t9t1q wrote

It was more of an edgy emo phase, you wouldn’t get it /s


elSuavador t1_j7sz9tr wrote

No, but once he had a talking boat that took him to an underwater kingdom where it turned into a person who was also a king and maybe Zelda’s dad?


NickMoore30 t1_j7t9m85 wrote

Yeah, usually he’s got a F-14 Tomcat or blackhawk, but looks like they’re going with the glider in this one. Really cool.