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societymike t1_j7jtuj7 wrote

With that said, I was sitting in our office at work in Tokyo on March 11th 2011 with 3 coworkers just bs'ing about our day when the fish in the aquarium we were facing just started going nuts, swimming around fast, hitting the sides and jumping, and one managed to jump out and we put him back in, but they wouldn't calm down. We were all wondering WTF are they doing, they are normally calm and slow all day, but within a minute or so, the water started splashing like someone was moving the aquarium, (but it's heavy and sitting on a concrete wall) and we realized it was a little earthquake. Ok, nbd, we just had a couple trimmers last night, the fish probably felt it faster than us.. but that's when it started getting stronger and stronger and didn't stop, we evacuated, and it just kept going for a few more minutes, things breaking, lights on the flight line looking like windshield wipers, garage doors falling, phones going crazy. Later, we got back inside and only 1 fish was still in the tank sadly.