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Nostalchiq t1_j5op000 wrote

Hey! I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to make it out here, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise because financially you might not have done any better here. I guess you never know what the future holds though.

No, we haven't been back since we left because it's too expensive to travel. I was born and raised outside of Helena and everytime we went to visit it broke my heart to see how different it was from when I was a kid. Bozeman is basically unrecognizable now. Seems like only the rich could afford to live in the country like we wanted so we decided there was nothing left for us there and left.

All I ever wanted was a little house in the country, with chickens and a garden so we could grow some of our own food and live a quiet life. I thought we could have that here but I guess not.