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Kixeliz t1_j5g1693 wrote

but you were able to work for your shit, you were able to get loans and mortgages because the color of your skin was not a barrier. People seem to think systemic racism means white people don't have trials and tribulations in their life when what it really means is the color of their skin had no impact on those trials and tribulations.

You see a cop and you hope you won't get a speeding ticket, my black friend hopes he doesn't get killed and is terrified driving in lily white Vt. You can ignore the reality of the situation all you want, I have no illusions about changing the opinion of someone who actually wishes they were "born a minority."


ceiffhikare t1_j5g3d0m wrote

Yes damn straight i wish i had been born a POC of color! When i was looking in HS at grants and loans there were page after page for POC, didnt see shit there for white folks. That left the private sector, again i would have an instant foot in the door in any place i chose to apply at cause the Co. would get tax breaks to boost i had to BS my way into jobs. So no you aint gonna change my mind on that.

As for your friend, well yeah police DO have a bias and again that is being addressed everyday as time goes on, ACAB as far as im concerned tbh.