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ChallengerShaker2014 t1_j55iq6z wrote

FWD cars if you lift off the gas in a turn the back end will slide out, which is likely what you did in PA. Like I said, slow before you are turning, you should be good in the Bolton area.


reinhart_menken OP t1_j55yiis wrote

Well in PA I was on a very narrow road - think backcountry road in a mountain, or going to State parks, except this was open farmland. I was already driving further toward the outside of my lane so oncoming cars would have room, but this car came in fast on a turn and I made I guess too quick an adjustment under too fast a speed (40-50) and it slid out sideways slightly. Fortunately was able to recover and continue on my way.

But yeah, slow and steady. And it seems like I'm getting snow tires :) Thanks.