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whaletacochamp t1_j50axuw wrote

After that attempt to find an apartment that you can afford and then a job that pays or exists.


MyRealestName t1_j50b6e2 wrote

Oof. This makes wanting to move to VT scary


d-cent t1_j50xj0g wrote

Honestly, you should be slightly scared. All of these things mentioned are very true and hard for people who have lived here for years with numerous connections. It's even harder for people moving to here.

I would not even think of moving here without a vehicle in very good shape, a well paying job, and a lease on an apartment already signed.


MyRealestName t1_j51317v wrote

Apartment will be signed before moving. Reliable car, check. Just need snow tires. And by the time I move I will have 8 months of expenses saved up in case I can’t find anything.
