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purplemusicianz t1_j46sh1w wrote

Yeah definitely just some dude who had an ego problem about him from what it sounds like. Prob just hated the fact he couldn’t hold his gun for 5 minutes


Eagle_Arm t1_j48nlqa wrote

So this guy, who based on this story didn't complain and did exactly as asked, has an ego and must be a gun nut?

Can I just as easily jump to the conclusion that you're ignorant?


b1ack1323 t1_j47vjo8 wrote

My buddy had bullets fly through his window in VT in the mid-80s driving through Brattleboro.

It’s believable.


Trajikbpm t1_j4834ca wrote

Last year a neighbor had hunters shoot thru her fence towards her house


JMac87 t1_j48fhiq wrote

A client of mine's neighbor shot through their living room wall while he was "practicing".