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kn4v3VT t1_j2uwa04 wrote

Well I’m glad to hear you don’t think any school children identify as cats, but here is an 8 year old video on why the pattern of warmer winter weather shows this is not just a January thaw.

learn stuff

Furthermore we’ve had more days above freezing than below it this winter so far and it’s January now. For it to be a thaw, we would have had to have had something to thaw first.


Outrageous-Outside61 OP t1_j2uxvht wrote

Idk about chittenden county, but the grounds still frozen here, minus the couple inches of slop on top.

Yes climate change is happening. In the last 100 years we’ve seen about a 3 degree increase in average temperatures. And waterbodies are thawing about 1.5 days earlier per decade. Once again, not at all denying science here. But we’ve literally had 40 degree days in January most years in the last 30 that I’ve been alive.

Using temperatures in the 40’s in January as an example of climate change is just as ignorant as using -30 temperatures in February as an example of why climate change in non existent.

Anyways, I’m done with the internets for the night. Have a good one!


kn4v3VT t1_j2uynom wrote

Maybe we agree more than you think- just don’t take away from the severity of the problem by downplaying it. Weather is not climate, I agree, but y’all should be freaking out or changing or freaking out to change. Either way, if we don’t do something like ask “why is it so damn warm here?” we are going to suffer together