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Vermonter623 t1_j10zyjc wrote

Thank you for staying in office at least 10 years past what some would consider appropriate I’m sure you didn’t waste my tax dollars taking naps during session


ZippittyDooBlah t1_j1169iq wrote

LOL! That old man could run circles around you intellectually...and until he broke his hip last June, physically too I bet!


Vermonter623 t1_j11cnoe wrote

How’s them boots taste? It should concern you the privilege this man has enjoyed his entire life including joining the law office of the then sitting governor of Vermont. This guy was quite literally part of the old boys club that is so pervasive in politics. Now I know that old wealthy white men are the representatives of the so called party of diversity and all but he should have retired when he wasn’t mumbling as bad as Biden on a good day


myloveisajoke t1_j13q568 wrote

I concur. The guy has been just collecting a paycheck for the last several years.