Submitted by pv_punisher t3_zpyt5o in vermont

All the dogspam posts on this sub recently highlight the unhealthy obsession many people have with dogs. They're not "furbabies" and you're a dog "owner" not a "parent", and for christ sakes, leave your dogs at home when going shopping, out to dinner, vacation, or anyplace where theres a lot of people. The notion that a person can't leave the house without their dog is just psychotic. Some of you are downright creepy with this shit.

All dogs are required to be on a leash (10' or less) in State Parks and day use areas. Pet owners are also required to repair damage caused by their animals including digging and defecation in developed areas. Theres a state park near me that's turned into a giant dog toilet, it's vile. I was ice fishing there last year and some idiot just let's his totally out of control dog run wild. Ripped off 2 of my flags and pulled another trap right out of the water. Never even came over to apologize or offer to fix anything. I called the warden twice this past deer season for off leash dogs, 1 owner walked away with a warning, and the other a hefty fine.

I don't hate dogs, I hate the fact it is commonplace to mistreat them as little 4 legged people nowadays.



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kittybellyfulloflies t1_j0vhi5a wrote

My main gripe is people who don't leash their dogs while on public trails. I have no idea how well trained your dog is, and each encounter depends on me trusting that the person has trained their dog well enough to listen by command. I'd say a good 80% are not trained on voice command. I don't fucking care if your dog is friendly or not, I don't want it jumping on me and making me uncomfortable in a public space. I've had enough bad run ins with dogs where I'm too uncomfortable to use our local trail as the locals don't care enough to respect the leash laws nearby. Very frustrating.


texmarie t1_j0wf7qa wrote

Unleashed dogs can be a problem even if they are super trained. I have a dog that needs lots of exercise, but he’s very reactive toward other dogs. I find myself stuck on what to do with him sometimes because I can’t trust that we won’t end up crossing paths with an unleashed dog on the trails near our house, and he could end up attacking the other dog when it comes up to “say hi”.


Left-Link5070 t1_j0zammx wrote

Fuck them and their “but she is special” dog. Your dog is not special to me, nor anyone else for that matter.


JerryKook t1_j10lp2d wrote

A friend of mine trains German Shepards. His dogs are extremely well trained. He hates off leash dogs. It drives him crazy a stranger comes along with an unleashed dog and yells don't worry he is friendly. He immediately replies back "well my dog definitely is not friendly". He uses the "not friendly" vests. Still there are those that cross the street wanting to pet his dog.

He does take his dog on walks in crowded areas to work on the dog ignoring distractions. It's amazing how his dog will just watch him for the next command.


giraffes456 t1_j0wvsq0 wrote

There are certain trails I avoid because of frequent negative experiences with unleashed dogs running up out of nowhere barking at me and my kid, no owner in site. I’ve had a couple act irritated for announcing that their growling barking dog is scaring me and asking them to leash it.


Fantastic_Painter_15 t1_j0vdti5 wrote

Jesus man go get some fresh air. They’re just dogs


stockuponlife t1_j0weml4 wrote

I think that's the main point of OP post. They are just dogs and treat them as such. Not little people.


SarahDrish t1_j0vusk3 wrote

They crap all lover creation and owners do not clean up after their beasts. Dog crap is so toxic it kills grass and everything else it touches, then when it rains or the snow melts, the excrement washes into bodies of water, destroys the ecosystem, kills marine life and makes the water unsafe for swimming or drinking. Off-leash dogs are also detrimental to wildlife and livestock. Even if they do not manage to catch an animal and rip it to pieces alive, in winter, the animal often dies from fatigue.


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j0yluko wrote

Lollllllll you’re saying this like dogs are the only animals that poop. Every fucking animal in the wild shits outside


SarahDrish t1_j10k92n wrote

Lollllll! You're not very bright, are you? Because of their diets, the poop of dogs is different than that of other animals. For example, the poop of livestock animals -- horses, cows, etc. -- actually act as a fertilizer. Dog crap -- and there is so much of it today -- on the other hand, is literally destroying the environment.


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j10sofd wrote

I stand corrected! Isn’t squirrel and bat shit really bad too though?


SarahDrish t1_j115lb4 wrote

> I stand corrected! Isn’t squirrel and bat shit really bad too though?

No, they aren't. In fact, bat shit is bagged and sold as fertilizer. Have you never heard of guano?


pv_punisher OP t1_j0vg4yz wrote

I'll wager I have more (or as many) miles on my boots by Monday afternoon than most on this thread do all week. Fresh air is good and yes, they are just dogs. That's my point.


btwnmtns t1_j0vmqik wrote

Highly doubtful. You sound like a real gem.


Russian_Rocket23 t1_j0xcw9p wrote

And you are just a human.....and probably a shitty one at that.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_j0w9yge wrote

There are a bunch of shitty people who own dogs, just like there a bunch of people who are parents, shouldn’t be parents. Please don’t lump us all together.

With that being said, there is nothing wrong with people bringing dogs out in public as long as the dog is well trained. Dogs are not cats, they need to get out too.

It is apparent you are not a dog owner. You may not hate dogs, but it does seem like you dislike them. So maybe you don’t understand what being a dog owner requires…. Some breeds need more exercise than others. Dogs require socialization so they don’t become skiddish or aggressive. Going on vacation can be very difficult for dog owners… either spend big $$ to board them on top of vacation expenses or maybe they will find a pet friendly place, but there will be an added fee. Or you don’t go anywhere, ever.

Also having a pet is more like being a parent than and “owner”. (And yes, “fur baby” is cringe AF) Sure, I made a transaction to acquire my dogs, but babies aren’t free to give birth to; there’s a transaction involved there as well. Do we think of owning our kids? You are responsible for a living thing that requires care. It needs to be fed, taken out regularly, needs exercise, and other things to live a healthy life. It’s still parental duties.

So, again, I’ll reiterate…. The problem is not the dogs themselves. The problem is the humans. Shitty parents make for shitty children/pets.


pv_punisher OP t1_j0x27ek wrote

I don't currently own a dog, I know plenty of people who have a healthy approach to raising their dogs. They don't bring them to inappropriate places and the dogs are well behaved when around others. I don't blame the dogs.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_j0x6bju wrote

I am curious. What do you deem “inappropriate places”?


somedudevt t1_j0xkwul wrote

any place that is indoors that is not your own home or the home of a friend who has asked you to bring your dog over.


pv_punisher OP t1_j0xgltd wrote

Anywhere that's prohibited or just "logistically" difficult... something that comes to mind is a small community concert series we have in town during the summers. It's outdoors but just a really small area.


kellyinacherrytree t1_j0vpvx3 wrote

Dog owners can be very entitled. My biggest problem is non service dogs in grocery stores and restaurants. As someone who is allergic, and who was mauled by a dog as a child, I very much feel you. I’ve had too many scary encounters that owners just shrug off as nothing.


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_j0x0jus wrote

That’s on the restaurant though, if there isn’t space for people to move around the restaurant freely without getting close to the dog then they shouldn’t be allowed. I love bringing my dog out to eat because creepy dudes leave me alone and my dog loves it but I never push it if he isn’t allowed, it’s not fun for the dog if it’s a space that can’t accommodate them.


somedudevt t1_j0xkmt9 wrote

Dogs are not sanitary and have NO place in a restaurant. If you want to eat with your dog stay home. I don’t care if the restaurant doesn’t explicitly ban it, it’s common sense that dogs don’t belong in places like that.


AllyEmmie t1_j0yd69z wrote

If it’s “common sense”, and the restaurant hasn’t banned dogs, don’t go to that restaurant. Duh?


somedudevt t1_j0yonzm wrote

Remember Covid? People wore masks because it was common sense and a mandate. It wasn’t a restaurants or price choppers responsibility to enforce it but it was the rule.

Well dogs in those places are the same. The fda says they shouldn’t be there. Just because the restaurant hasn’t thought they needed their own policy to tell you not to do something moronic and unsanitary doesn’t mean that you have the right to do it.

I’ve never seen a restaurant that has any policy against driving an ATV through the door… would we agree it’s common sense you don’t do that? Most restaurants have front double doors. Were those installed specifically so you could drive your 4 wheeler around? No because a 4 wheeler isn’t a personal mobility device. The same for your pet not being a service animal

If I had a pet horse would you want me bringing it to a restaurant?


AllyEmmie t1_j117d23 wrote

How does covid relate to dogs?

Why is public health and safety even remotely adjacent to allowing a dog into a restaurant?



somedudevt t1_j11bk77 wrote

Wow you are like all of the matter in the universe the moment before the Big Bang eh? How is letting a germ infested animal around food a public health issue?

But yes the intent there was to draw a parallel to a recent situation where society as a whole was given a rule to follow (in that case wear a mask at the grocery store, in this case don’t bring your fucking dog in the grocery store) where it was not the businesses responsibility to make a rule for something that already existed. If the FDA says dogs shouldn’t be in places that sell or serve food, then places they sell and serve food don’t need an additional rule saying the same thing.

But since people are dick fucks, and can’t be reasonable members of society we have dogs in grocery stores and restaurants and no one wants to be attacked by the psychopaths who don’t understand that we live in a society with a social contract to follow the rules, so stores and restaurants just let people do what they want.


Human802 t1_j0w7kgq wrote

Out of all the pollution I see, nothing aggravates me quite as much as plastic bags full of dog poop littered in the woods.

You should clean up after your dog, but why put it in a bag if you just going to litter?

“Here another group of people that deserve to be dragged into the moonlight and beaten with wooden spoons” George Carlin.


friedmpa t1_j0vfziy wrote

As a team cat person, dogs are cool


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j0vdh20 wrote

I kind of agree with you about the Furbaby and dog parent crap. I can’t relate to the weekly grooming nor the sweaters and outfits either but…

Bringing them out in public is good exposure and is an opportunity to help the dogs stay calm in a wide variety of situations.

And I really don’t like the term “psychotic” used incorrectly nor as an insult.

If you don’t like dog posts, report them as off topic and leave it up to the mods. No need to rant.


pv_punisher OP t1_j0vfuns wrote

Yep. Bringing them out is good. Just leash them when required, I see so many free running dogs in public places it's very frustrating. Especially for people who don't particularly like dogs or are physically small. I have a daughter, that despite her age is tiny, I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Oh he's just saying hello" or something as she's getting knocked to the ground. It's terrible behavior and it's gotten worse over the past several years.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j0vgtv8 wrote

Ugh. Agree about off leash dogs. Not cool. Frustrating about your daughter. You have every right to enjoy a dog-less outdoors.

But calling people psychotic ain’t cool either. It has a very narrow, specific definition, requires diagnosis, and is a painful experience for the patient and family. Not to be thrown around lightly as an insult.

Are you the first or the last to call people psychotic just because they are different? No.

Here’s what psychotic looks like, it’s traumatizing for these little ones, and it looks quite different than walking into a Tractor Supply Store with a leashed dog:

Sorry for the rant. Pet peeve of mine. It’s just that we’re trying to lessen mental health stigma and this doesn’t help.


AdventureSheepies t1_j0veent wrote

I love my dogs, but I see adopting animals as more of a stewardship thing than an ownership thing. It drives me nuts when people take their dogs off leash in areas where they are required. It's not like VT doesn't have plenty of places where having your dogs off leash is appropriate.

But bring on the VT dog pictures. Keep em coming!


whaletacochamp t1_j0vltil wrote

I love dogs. I hate shitty dog owners. I hate dog owners that unnecessarily anthropomorphize their dogs. I hate when people let dogs interfere with hunting and fishing.

But, this post is fucking stupid….

I'll take my dog where I want, when I want TYVM. But my dog is also well trained and well behaved, and I am a good enough owner (and thoughtful enough human) to not take him places where I know he won't do well or I know it's an imposition on others.

I thought all of the dog posts were a bit silly but now I very well may post my own!


pv_punisher OP t1_j0x3ja5 wrote

Bring it anywhere its allowed, but make sure it's leashed if required.


somedudevt t1_j0xlsyh wrote

It’s funny, because I’ve yet to meet a dog owner who says they have a bad/misbehaved dog, or an owner who admits to being a bad one. So what I don’t want is to interact with your dog unless I am trying to do so.


whaletacochamp t1_j0yynw3 wrote

My dog is well behaved like 75% of the time, and since I have him under control 100% of the time you would never interact with him unless you wanted.


somedudevt t1_j12caz1 wrote

Depends how we define interact. If I’m walking down a sidewalk, and you and your dog are walking the other way, and I have to adjust my path to avoid your barking dog on its leash, that is me interacting. If we are both in a park, and your dog is parking and jumping at the end of the leash like it’s trying to get away from the leash to come say hi to me, that takes my attention as I have to consider can you hold the dog (many dog owners can’t and the dog and leash go running) so that in my book is interacting, even if you have control, when a dog is going nuts a stranger has no idea you have control.


BackgroundCat t1_j0wd1qt wrote

How do you feel about non-service dogs in stores or restaurants? This seems to be on the increase. Or dogs at outdoor events like parades or flea markets? Not trying to pick a fight, just generally interested in others’ points of view. Personally, I haven’t yet seen a dog who was wildly interested in traipsing through Home Depot, but I may have just picked an off day 😉


whaletacochamp t1_j0wjt6r wrote

IMO it’s all about the dog and the owner. I know someone with a gigantic malamute who I am confident enough in that I’d send them to the White House with it. At the same time I know people with pugs who I wouldn’t trust in an empty field.

That being said, anyone who relies on the presence of a poorly trained dog for their well being is delusional and detracting from actual service dogs while putting a bandaid on their actual condition. If you need a poorly trained and poorly kept chihuahua in your shopping cart in order to navigate hannaford you need more help than your chihuahua can provide.


SarahDrish t1_j0vtwg1 wrote

Vermont is beautiful in winter, but there's nothing more disheartening than a lovely expanse of snow dotted with piles of dog crap.


edrny42 t1_j0wv81f wrote

Has today been ruff for you? You paws-itively seem upset.


quinnbeast t1_j0vfxho wrote

“I'll bet there's not one type of mutt or mongrel I haven't run across. If you ask me, they have no business living amongst us. Vile, useless beasts!” - Newman


pv_punisher OP t1_j0vghbz wrote

Lol, I don't harbor mailman level animosity for the dog so much. Some owners on the other hand...


btwnmtns t1_j0vmeuu wrote

Dude woke up on the wrong side of the bed


ReasonableLiving5958 t1_j0y6aez wrote

No, you sound like you hate dogs. Yes, dogs should be treated more carefully in public than a lot of people do, but yes they are our "fur babies" and deserve as much love and respect as anyone and anything else.

Nothing worse than a killjoy who have meltdowns anytime someone says they love their dogs.

Seriously, calling people psychotic because they love their dogs and want their dogs to live a happy, fulfilled life as part of their family is some seriously childish shit. Grow the fuck up.


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j0ylrb5 wrote

Agreed 100%. Why is this person SO bothered by people loving their dogs? It’s weird


raz0rsnak3 t1_j0w30ql wrote

Expecting adults to act like adults these days is asking alot...


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j0xhjp3 wrote

The only “dog spam” I’ve seen is dogs in the woods with no one else around. While I do agree that dogs should be leashed in public places, what proof do you have to say that these “dog spams” weren’t taken by people on their properties? I’m not gonna go through and search everyone’s posts about their dogs, but from what I saw they were in wide open spaces with no one else around.

That being said, I almost took a photo of my staffy on my property with no other dogs around and no roads and no people. Am I a terrible person then? My dog must be terrible too!


OhhhOkaay t1_j0xda8w wrote

How is loving your dog unhealthy? Tell me.


pv_punisher OP t1_j0xfpxx wrote

It's not. "Loving" and treating your dog as if it's a little 4 legged person and expecting other people to play along sure is.


AllyEmmie t1_j0ydjfw wrote

What’s the difference between taking care of a dog, and taking care of a child?


JerryKook t1_j0zqkq2 wrote

I yelled at my friend for letting his kid go up to strangers in restaurants & bars. He thought it was really cute & claimed that people found his child adorable. I found it to be obnoxious and refused to go out in public with him. So in that way they are similar.

The difference is a child will grow up and become part of our society. Some will become police, teachers, healthcare providers. They are the future of our society.

Also, I have never heard about a child attacking a patron or an employee of a restaurant, store or bar.

If it was up to me, kids under the age of 12 would be banned from buffets.

I boycott any store or restaurant where I see the staff feeding a dog. Especially when they do it on a counter.


No-Menu-5104 t1_j0vyo66 wrote

I’ll agree that ‘a thing you love’ as a complete personal identity is the worst kind of person. I suspect that on r/vermont, if one person wants to show off dog photos, it’s basically in open invite for all others to do the same. I don’t think there’s an individual culprit, do you?


catinthehood1 t1_j0ye7d1 wrote

I was in England this spring and people would bring by their dogs to the pub. It was awesome. In Istanbul you would see cats sleeping on the bookshelves in a bookstore. I feel like in the states people can’t co-exist with animals anymore


Khanover7 t1_j0vi6jq wrote

You just highlighted the complete lack of anything in your life if this is what you have time to post. I pity your sorry life that you want to police how people interact or talk about their dogs. Why do you care what people call their dogs or themselves? What’s the hate for? Yes, put your dog on a leash where they are required but the rest of rant is nonsense.


Eagle_Arm t1_j0vntu8 wrote

Dude, way to edit your comment, change what it actually said, and not mark how it was changed.

Was there some reflecting on how shitty the comment was after I copy/pasted it in a reply to it?


Khanover7 t1_j0vslgl wrote

No not exactly, with your copy and paste I realized I left out my questions went to add it and didn’t copy at the end of the questions. I do think it is a SAD person that shows up on a forum to tell other people how they should interact with their animals (taking them places they are allowed calling them fur babies or parents). Why does this poster care what people call themselves or their animals. To post that people that who do this is psychotic is SAD. It’s a misuse of the word and being hateful for no reason. Why come here where people enjoyed posting pics of their dogs just to insult? So I appreciate your copy and paste because I stand by what I said.


Eagle_Arm t1_j0vvay1 wrote

Using the word psychotic would be pretty spot on if saying they aren't in touch with reality, which is what they are doing. It fits that definition pretty well. Or likely, the most likely in fact, it is hyperbole, which a normal person would read it as.

Could go deeper if wanted and call it an attachment disorder. Which would bring it back to a mental disorder, not psychotic, but a form of a mental illness.


pv_punisher OP t1_j0x42dg wrote

"Highlighted the complete lack of anything in your life" ... that's a new one lol

I wasn't policing anything, I was mocking an insufferable trend among dog owners.


Khanover7 t1_j0x8zes wrote

You came here and posted: “unhealthy obsession”, “you’re not a parent”, “they are not fur babies”, “person who bring their dogs places is psychotic”, “downright creepy”. All because people posted their dogs playing in a pile of snow. Don’t you think that’s an escalation and some pretty extreme judgment - kinda like me saying you obviously have no life? I was mocking your extreme statements.

You wanna complain about crappy owners who don’t pick up poop, or don’t leash their dogs, or those who bring their dogs to inappropriate places - awesome, I’ll support you all day long. But when you roll into a sub and start mocking and insulting people who love their pets then yeah you deserved to be called out on it. None of those people who posted happy dogs playing in the snow deserve your judgement or your holier than thou attitude on how to address themselves or their animals. I think it’s creepy that you care and obviously are so invested in people who care for their animals. How hard is it to ignore happy dogs playing in the snow?


pv_punisher OP t1_j0xa915 wrote

I assure you my post has nothing to do with the pics of the snowy dog pics other than they remind me of all the trendy BS I mentioned, which i feel has led to an increase in confrontations with dogs/owners for me. Even though this isn't a dog playing in snow sub, post away. 🐕


Eagle_Arm t1_j0vl25z wrote

You just highlighted the complete lack of anything in your life if this is what you have time to reply to. I pity your sorry life that you want to police how people interact or talk about their complaints. Carry on sad little person.


CTdadof5 t1_j0yvfgy wrote

I like the dog posts and I love my dog and cat. With that said many of your points are shared more broadly. I have a vet friend from Panama. He thinks the extent that Americans extend things like healthcare, daycare, insurance, dental care, apparel, etc. is laughable…in his case all the way to the bank. As an FYI many vets are financially rewarded by upselling unnecessary services. It’s a racket.


YourAverageCracker t1_j0z28sp wrote

I'd take a dog at a brewery over all the kids I see stuffed into them every weekend. At least I don't have to worry about a leashed dog running around d the brewery like it's a playground. But again that's not on the kids, it's shitty parents that think a drinking establishment is a good place for kids.


pv_punisher OP t1_j0z3rts wrote

Plenty of shitty parents out there, as well as shitty dog owners. Generally speaking I don't think it's right to bring either one to a brewery.


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_j0x018s wrote

I hate to break it to you but Vermont’s a dog friendly place. You’re gonna have a hard time getting away from dogs here. It’s actually becoming way less dog friendly as the years go by, when I was growing up everyone walked their dogs off leash everywhere unless the dog was agressive. Now there’s uptight flatlanders calling the cops all over the place, it’s nuts.


JerryKook t1_j0zuz2f wrote

>when I was growing up everyone walked their dogs off leash everywhere unless the dog was agressive

back in the day people bought a dog that was the breed they wanted or got a mutt through someone they knew. Now you got rescues adopting out mainly reactive dogs and telling people that breed doesn't matter. Then there are those rescuing more dogs than they can responsibly take care of but think they are doing a great job.

Back in the day if your dog misbehaved, it was far more likely to be shot.

Then you got those people that if they see a dog walking around, they have to catch it and find it's owner.

It's a new world out there.


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_j0x17uj wrote

Why do you care how I feel about my fur babies? I’ll be as cringy as I want with my highly trained therapy dog (he visits sick kids in hospitals, he is literally a certified good boy).


pv_punisher OP t1_j0x1s52 wrote

I don't specifically care about you or your dog, I care when a general trend of poor canine ownership, over time, exacerbates into more and more frequent negative confrontations with dogs/owners and their lack of accountability.


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_j0x3ccv wrote

None of that has anything to do with thinking loving our dogs like children is unhealthy. You’re just heartless. Not everyone gets to have kids for some of us they’re all we have.


garfielding t1_j0zao2w wrote

First paragraph, not great man, pretty hyperbolic and makes your second paragraph lose steam. You don't have to be an asshole to make this argument and it's mostly distracting from your point, which is a good one. This thread would've been a lot more productive if you woulda just counted to ten and left the "psychotic" descriptors in the first draft.


Beardly_Smith t1_j0vwuvi wrote

We have a wild OP running loose on reddit. Can his parent or guardian please come pick him up and make sure he stays leashed


Careful_Square1742 t1_j0wzc9b wrote

who's dog pissed in your Cheerios this morning? Jesus dude


AllyEmmie t1_j0yczfq wrote

Do you enjoy being a gatekeeper with no life or anything better to do? Hopefully you do, because you don’t seem to have any other joy in your life besides this pointless rant.


edave22 t1_j0z0dyn wrote

Now tell us how you feel about your truck


pv_punisher OP t1_j0z1h3i wrote

It's a rusty shitbox but the tires are newer and she runs good.


mountainofclay t1_j0zdxhj wrote

When I lived in Burlington, back in the old days, it was common for people who mostly didn’t grow up there to have a dog. It seemed that many of these dogs were owned by women who were at a stage in their life when it was natural for the mothering instinct to have kicked in but the thought of choosing a mate or significant other to enable raising a human child didn’t fit their lifestyle or career/educational plans. Having a dear and devoted canine fulfilled that need nicely. All this was understandable and didn’t bother me as long as they were happy. The problem was that these dog owners needed to walk their dogs and would dutifuly make their rounds and allow their dog to shit on the ground usually in the grass along the sidewalks. No one EVER cleaned up after their dog back then and really a couple of turds on the winter snow wasn’t something that was all that terrible, I guess. That’s just the way it was. Come Spring as the snow melted the reality of the situation made itself painfully obvious to everyone as the snow melted and the accumulated piles of feces melted and drained down into the storm sewer which everyone was aware drained directly into Lake Champlain. Sometime after that, the city enacted an ordinance that required people to clean up after their dogs. The improvement was dramatic and now one rarely needs to endure the affront of of fresh steamer along the sidewalk. Sometimes government works.


ARealVermontar t1_j0varat wrote

This is a different account. Did this guy's original account get banned?


Tudor7777 t1_j0y5n02 wrote

Wow look at all the salty dog owners on this post. These are the same people that let their dogs bark from sunrise to sunset. Same owners that let their dog off the leash while hiking so they can trample over other people that are passing by, same owners that watch their dog poop all over your lawn. Dont forget the people who buy massive sized dogs that they cant control even while on the leash. Most of these people are so deranged that they consider their dog as a part of their family, almost as if they were a human. Dog owners are the worst, they feel so entitled to have their dog everywhere they go, and if you criticize them or the dog in any way they get highly offended.


AllyEmmie t1_j0ydtzn wrote

Baseless generalizations and stereotyping get you the downvotes 👎


[deleted] t1_j0vysvs wrote



greenmountaingyal t1_j0wgsna wrote

I feel the same way about your shitty kids. Get some control of those screaming little crotch goblins and teach them that they can’t go running up to my LEASHED dog because you haven’t taught Ashleigh and Kimberleigh that no, they cannot do everything they want to do because Mumsy and Dadsy have promised them they can. You’re lucky my dog is sweet and loving. If he bit your little bastards for your lack of control, I wouldn’t blame him a bit.

Jesus. Stop making your children your personality. Nobody likes it anymore than your real one.

Get a grip, dude.


Eagle_Arm t1_j0vjql2 wrote

As someone adding to the dog spam, growing up with dogs, but not currently owning one, I completely agree with you. They are dogs, just a pet, nothing more. If someone wants a kid or baby, either make one, foster, or adopt one. There are plenty of kids out there looking for a home and adopting would be better for society as a whole than another doggo.

But really, of the owner isn't a dick and doesn't impact others, feel free to have dogs too.
