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NowIAmThatGuy t1_iznmfi0 wrote

What do you want it to be?


TheFillth t1_iznmjiu wrote

Die hard?


halfbakedblake t1_izobcpp wrote

Thank you. I was hoping I wouldn't be the first to post this. This list is clearly bogus. Not one mention of die hard.


TheFillth t1_izogpiv wrote

There is exactly one mention of die hard.


halfbakedblake t1_izok6sb wrote

This is reddit, I'm surprised we aren't tipping metaphorical cars and setting fires yet. Maybe break out some dank die hard memes.


tracefact t1_izoboqz wrote

I understand wanting to imagine that Arkansas doesn’t exist but they got this one right.


halfbakedblake t1_izocaa5 wrote

Die hard doesn't even make the list. It doesn't matter what any "picked." It is all made up.


suffragette_citizen t1_iznnvoo wrote

White Christmas, maybe? It takes place in Vermont (even if it wasn't filmed here.)


MatthewGeer t1_iznoolt wrote

Years like this I really empathize with the “no snow accumulation heading into Christmas” aspect of the plot.


NowIAmThatGuy t1_iznp0r2 wrote

We could write our own Christmas movie that confronts the existential dread of climate impacts on our environment. Or maybe some sort of cosmic horror.