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lindrios OP t1_iz7qtfx wrote

Ah yes, this I am familiar with. DCF/ESD calls this your "right to a fair hearing".

I was not offered a "Fair Hearing" until 63 days AFTER I had left the property. The hearing was subsequently thrown out for "no longer being relevant" before anything was done.

AHS is also under the impression that they can't "force" these hotel/motel owners to do anything because it is "private property". While correct that it is privately owned, since it is in hospitality zoning and accepting members of the public... they are subject to all of the regulations under the Vermont Lodging Statutes, which would be enforced by VDH a division of AHS.

Therefore any decision made in the "Fair Hearing" doesn't mean anything because none of the AHS departments will act on it.

EDIT: It's also important to note that this is a "citizen's" panel and has no judiciary power, IE enforcing/overturning decisions made by the Agency is not legally possible. It's more of an advisory panel.