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Me_Myself_And_IAM t1_iyut6c5 wrote

I live in Montpelier central.

There’s a small tent community off the bike path near the bus station. I live very close by, and I’m always smelling the fire wood they burn to keep warm.

It reminds me that if my disability status were to be gone, I could end up camping there some day.

The basic human right to receive shelter seems to be under addressed by our Republican governor (who keeps getting voted back in).

I cannot find a a well paying job because of the lack of public transit, and I worry about my future.

I read a portion of these comments, and I live in a rent reduced apartment. I am super grateful. I do not have an arrest record either, nor have I ever been addicted to drugs. I do not consider myself a “degenerate” either. I am college educated too.

My point is: I talk to many of these people every day. Few to none of them are “degenerates”. I am getting frustrated with all the virtue signaling. When the only signaling I see is entitled people giving a finger to the poor.


headgasketidiot t1_iyxqfsa wrote

I'm totally with you, friend. A lot of people seem to forget that most of us are just one accident, crisis, or diagnosis away from being desperate. It's disheartening to read people actively stigmatize our friends and neighbors. I hope they learn to have a bit of humility, though I hope they're never forced to learn it the hard way.