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No-Ganache7168 t1_iyp29oz wrote

Not at all. Think of the homeless low income moms who are stuck in the same hotels as heroin users and criminals. They should not be housed together.


[deleted] t1_iyroh8f wrote

You know what else is full of criminals and drug abusers? Every fucking neighborhood in America. The rich housewives of Greenwich pop enough Xanax bars to kill a horse, while their husbands rob us all on Wall Street. The business criminals are the worst of them all. They drink and drive, they steal, they cheat on their wives openly, they have absolutely no morals whatsoever. They are the worst role models you could ever provide a child.

Want a more quaint, rural, quiet life? Well, if your kids go on Darrell’s land by mistake, he drinks a fifth of vodka a day and might shoot them for “trespassing.” On the bright side, he can’t aim for shit.

Every neighborhood has its share of degenerates, regardless of class. And as Mr Rogers said, everywhere you go, look for the helpers, they’re there too. Everyone has a human right to housing.


sorrycharlie88 t1_iyqotm2 wrote

Same situation if they live in section 8 housing. Low income affordable housing means you live in clos proximity to degenerates, it's pretty unavoidable.